Fayette, Coweta jump on Trump bandwagon


The build-up to the 2016 Presidential Preference Primary came with much fanfare and political posturing. In the end in Fayette and Coweta counties, Donald Trump scored the highest marks on the Republican ballot while Hillary Clinton made quick work of Bernie Sanders on the Democratic ballot.

In Fayette, Trump received 32.69 percent of Republican votes followed by Marco Rubio with 29.43 percent and Ted Cruz with 23.58 percent. John Kasich took 7.05 percent of the votes and Ben Carson garnered 6.13 percent.

On the Democratic ballot, Clinton received the bulk of the votes with 71.07 percent and Sanders receiving 28.58 percent.

In terms of actual vote, the largely Republican Fayette County had 24,644 ballots cast while 10,211 Democrats had their say at the polls.

In Coweta, Trump took 37.9 percent of Republican votes, while Cruz won 25.46 percent and Rubio received 23.02 percent.

Beyond the main vote-getters, Carson took 7.15 percent and Kasich took 5.23 percent of Republican votes.

The vote among Democrats differed significantly, with Clinton taking 65.56 percent of votes and Sanders with 33.61 percent.

Coweta being a largely Republican county was apparently reflected in the number of people casting ballots. A total of 20,919 votes were registered in the Republican primary while 5,476 people cast votes in the Democratic primary.

Fayette and Coweta mirrored the state. Across Georgia, Trump received 38.8 percent of the Republican vote while Rubio took 24.4 percent and Cruz won 23.6 percent.

Statewide, Clinton received 71.33 percent of the vote and Sanders took home 28.16 percent.

The results in Georgia were reflective of much of the voter sentiment in the dozen states that made up the Super Tuesday contests.

Trump won in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. Cruz won Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska and Rubio won in Minnesota.

Clinton won in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Massachusetts. Sanders was victorious in Vermont, Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma.