Tornado touches down in northeast Coweta County


Update Nov. 20: The National Weather Service confirmed on Nov. 19 that the weather event included an F1 tornado which was on the ground for two-tenths of a mile and with top speeds of 105 miles per hour.

Original story: What is being called a possible tornado damaged five homes in northeast Coweta County late Wednesday afternoon. There were no injuries reported to emergency management officials.

Coweta County Emergency Management Agency Director Jay Jones said what is believed to be a possible tornado touched down in the late afternoon hours in northeast Coweta, causing damage to four homes.

Jones said no injuries were reported, adding that four of the five residents in one of the houses were at home during the weather event.

Two of the homes that sustained structural damage were on Lea Way. Two other homes a short distance away on George Wynn Road also sustained some structural damage, Jones said.

Jones said the Red Cross is assisting at least one of the families.

The touchdown occurred in the northeast portion of the county, situated just south of Fulton County and the city of Chattahoochee Hills. The affected area is approximately one-third mile from the Serenbe community.