Peachtree City UPDATES – Independence Day, New Traffic Laws, Braelinn Center


The big news this week is the coming Holiday Weekend, which kicks off Friday night at The Fred with the Swingin’ Medallions. They’re always a lot of fun. Visit for ticket information. Of course, no City Council meeting on Thursday, July 1, is a nice holiday bonus!

The parade, Fire Department Expo, and Fireworks will all be held on Saturday, July 3. Times are listed at .

The Peachtree City Library will be closed Saturday, July 3 – Monday, July 5, and all City offices and Kedron Fieldhouse will be closed Monday, July 5, but the Kedron and Glenloch pools will be open.

Patriotic Program at the Peachtree City Library on Friday, July 2
Take time to recall what our annual celebration of Independence Day is about. The Peachtree City Library and the Sons of the American Revolution will present a patriotic program for the entire family on Friday, July 2, 2:00 p.m., in the Floy Farr Room (downstairs) at the Library. The event is free, and will be followed by a musket demonstration at Picnic Park behind the Library.

New Traffic Laws reminder
The State of Georgia has several new traffic laws:
The Teen Cell Phone Driving Ban – Drivers under the age of 18 with a Class D cannot talk on cell phones OR text while driving. Violations incur $150 fine and one point on the driver’s license. Fines will be doubled for teen drivers proven to have violated the law at the time of a traffic crash.
The Texting While Driving Ban applies to all drivers 18 and older who possess a Class C driver’s license. Under this new law, drivers cannot write, send, or read a text message, email or use the internet on any wireless device while driving. Penalties under this new law also include a $150 fine and one point on the driver’s license.
The Pickup Truck Safety Belt Law has been in effect since June 3. Drivers and passengers of pickup trucks must buckle-up.

Texting & Driving safety forum
AT&T and local elected officials, educators, and law enforcement representatives will join together in pledging to refrain from texting and driving at a special forum on Thursday, July 1, noon, at City Hall in Peachtree City. Join Mayor Haddix, State Representative Matt Ramsey, Sheriff Wayne Hannah, County Commission Chairman Jack Smith, Peachtree City Police Chief Skip Clark, and others to learn about the risks of texting and driving. The forum features true stories and the text messages that were sent or received before someone’s life was altered, or even ended, because of texting and driving.

Braelinn Center Grand Reopening Saturday, July 3
Last, but certainly not least, the Braelinn Village Shopping Center on Crosstown Road will celebrate the completion of its total renovation on Saturday, July 3, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., with a moonwalk, DJ & music, face painting, children’s crafts, a cook-out by Kroger, and free food samples. This is a great place to park for the Parade, so plan to take advantage of both events at once!

Happy 4th.