Fayette 4-H competes at state


Fayette County 4-H members Isabella Ackerman, Conner Adams, Lilly Bentley, Shelly Bentley, Jeffrey Chambers and David Niedermeyer competed Oct. 24 in the state 4-H Wildlife Judging competition.

The team placed second in the state out of 11 junior teams made up of grades 4-8. Jeffrey Chambers earned fifth high overall junior individual and Conner Adams was seventh high junior individual out of 54 competitors.

The team was coached by 4-H Youth Development Agent April McDaniel and 4-H volunteer Jeff Mellin, with special thanks to 4-H volunteer Amy Bentley for chaperoning at the competition.

Prior to the competition, 4-H members attend practices to learn to develop a written wildlife management plan, recommend management practices, identify wildlife species, interpret aerial photographs, and gain general wildlife knowledge.

To learn more about this and other 4-H programs, contact the Fayette County UGA Cooperative Extension Office at 770-305-5412 or online at www.ugaextension.com/fayette/4h.