Oddos building a Fayette political dynasty?


I am a 16-year-old junior and Eagle Scout, attending Fayette County High. In becoming an Eagle Scout, I learned what a ”good representative“ should be doing as an elected official. Even though I am not old enough to vote yet, I do have a question.

I understand that [Paul] Oddo is on the Fayetteville City Council and for this election, his wife [Mimi] is running as a write-in candidate for a seat on the City Council. I also understand that his brother [Charles Oddo] is the chairman of the Fayette County Commission.

My question is this: Though this may be legal, is it ethical for one family to control so much of our lives?

The purpose of our representative government, is for every voice to have a say in matters. How can every voice have a say, if only one voice is speaking. When I am able to register to vote, I will remember this attempted power grab by Mr. Oddo.

Why, with all the unethical practices in politics today, do we have to subject ourselves to this kind of abuse of power? The fact that she, his wife, qualified after the normal qualifying period, tells me that Mr. Oddo was afraid that he would no longer be able to influence the council.

I may not be able to vote now; however, I do know the band members and the ROTC cadets at Fayette County High School, and their parents do vote, and I will be talking to them. Thank you for your time.

Nathan Jones
Fayette County junior
Fayetteville, Ga.