Inman celebrates Dr. Seuss and reading


Students and faculty at Inman Elementary School celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday and “Read Across America Day” with a big school-wide bash.

More than 25 guest readers visited with students to read their favorite Dr. Seuss book, and some conducted special activities or projects to go along with the book.

Guest readers included firefighter James Singleton, Whitewater High Principal Roy Rabold, and JoAnne Minter and Stephanie Adamek of Minter’s Farm.

Shown above are Inman Elementary Principal Louis Robinson (center) joined by the Grinch and school faculty members (L to R) Brandy Cochran, Jessi Harper and Assistant Principal Dr. Crestina Granese.

Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel on March 2, 1904. His birthday is celebrated each year with “Read Across America Day” promoted by the National Education Association.

Read more about the NEA’s “Read Across America Day” at