9-year-old: Qualities public officials should possess


I have attached a letter that my 9-year-old grandson Gregory wrote as an assignment that I gave him. While watching the news one day, he commented on the qualities of our leaders. After some discussion, I charged him to write out his thoughts. I think you will find this very interesting. Thank you.

Dear office,

Before I say anything, I would like you to know I am saying this out of nothing but the highest amount of respect. My grandfather asked me what are five good qualities you think a president, vice president, or a congressman should have. I gave this a lot of thought and answered. Please remember I am saying this to help you stay in your position and to help our country.

Qualities I think people in office should have:

• Should know Jesus.

• Should be able to count money.

• Should be very well-rounded.

• Should be honest.

• Should be very diligent.

Reasons as to why it would be beneficial to have these qualities:

I know you will need Jesus through your years in office not only because he is my God but he has talked to me before. He is your rock, strength and creator. I know you will need him if you have never heard of him; please believe me.

The reason why I think you should have the ability to count money is because you charge people taxes based on how much money they have. If you do not know how to count money, you may charge somebody the wrong amount of money. For example, if somebody has a thousand dollars and you charge them for a billion, this person may go [into] bankruptcy, or if somebody does have a billion dollars you may charge them for only a thousand.

You will come across many different challenges in office and you will never know what talents and skills in need. With that in mind, I think you should be prepared for almost anything.

Please be honest, you need to have honesty. If you do not tell the truth you may get a bad reputation for it and you may not be considered trustworthy to certain people. Please remember if you are not honest not only you suffer the consequences but our entire country.

I think you will need diligence to be successful in office. You have to have the desire to finish your job. I am a swimmer, and even though this letter is not about being a swimmer, it might give you a better understanding.

When I swim, my passion for swimming fuels me to continue practicing and become better even though I get tired. I want to be the best swimmer on my swim team I can be! This is the way you have to be about your job.

Thank you so much for considering my letter.

Gregory Harris
(grandson of James “Chris” Harris
Fayetteville, Ga.)