PTC Presbyterian announces Jungle Safari VBS for 2014


Registration is now open for the summer 2014 Vacation Bible School at First Presbyterian Church in Peachtree City. VBS will take place June 16-20. The theme this year is “A Jungle Safari.”

Registration is open through Friday, May 16. Registration forms are available at the church welcome center, 206 Willow Bend Road in Peachtree City. The registration fee is $5 per child, payable on the first day. Call 770-487-7757 for additional information.

Rising kindergarten through fifth grade students are welcome to join in the fun.

Activities planned include music, crafts with a jungle emphasis, outside recreation and lessons to get to know more about Jesus. Children will also work on a community service project to provide school supplies for local students.

Mary Dawkins, youth ministry leader, is again coordinating Vacation Bible School.

The program will conclude with a celebration at church on Sunday, when students will perform songs they learned at Vacation Bible School, and a cookout will be held that day for students and their families.

For additional information, call the church office, 770-487-7757, or go online: