Encouraged by Fayette Visioning Initiative


My family has lived in Fayette County for eight years and we enjoy the unique quality of life, excellent schools, and many friendships.

I also rely on the economic growth and prosperity of our community for success in my career as the Market President for South Atlanta at BB&T.

As much as we have enjoyed and thrived in Fayette County, I know there are opportunities for improvement, and I took an opportunity recently to voice a few of my ideas on fayettevision.org.

For example: our schools are considered to be among the best in Georgia because we have very talented teachers and students with high levels of motivation. However, excellent education doesn’t just mean that we achieve good standardized test scores.

I very much believe the College and Career Academy would be a smart plan for the future of our schools, children, and community and would attract high quality business to our area.

Regarding the recreational opportunities available, I feel that we are behind many communities of similar size. We may be the only county within the greater metro Atlanta area that doesn’t have an adequate aquatic facility for our high school teams, club swim teams and for residents’ recreational use.

An important aspect of any good community is how effectively it deals with change, takes advantage of strengths and minimizes weaknesses. That is why I’m excited about the Fayette Visioning Initiative.

As citizens and business leaders in Fayette County, we have a unique opportunity through this process to help direct the future of our community, and even to participate in implementing the changes recommended through the initiative.

The steering committee has worked through many of our comments, ideas and concerns already, but a small percentage of residents have completed the survey on the Initiative’s web site or participated in the MindMixer topic, available at fayettevision.org.

We have good leaders in elected office, but the really great ideas and the drive to implement the best of those ideas comes from you and me.

Please join me in helping Bob Ross and Trey Ragsdale along with the Fayette Visioning Initiative Steering Committee to achieve a truly excellent and actionable, plan for the future of Fayette County.

[Allen Phinney is Market President of BB&T and a Fayette County resident for eight years.]