Emergency drill set for Saturday around Piedmont Fayette Hospital


Piedmont Fayette Hospital will participate in an emergency management exercise March 8 from 4 to 8 p.m. on the campus of Piedmont Fayette Hospital.

During the drill emergency personnel will respond as in a real emergency.

Traffic delays can be expected in the proximity of the Piedmont Fayette campus but the exercise will not affect patient/visitor access to hospital services, access to the hospital’s main entrances or surrounding medical offices.

Drivers expecting to use Sandy Creek Road or Ga. Highway 54 between Fayetteville and Peachtree City may need to take alternate routes for about four hours Saturday afternoon and evening.

Public access to emergency medical care will be a priority for Piedmont Fayette and first responders participating in the drill.

The exercise will provide hands-on training to county and municipal emergency personnel and Piedmont Fayette Hospital staff.

The drill is being conducted in collaboration with Fayette County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Fayette County Fire and Emergency Service, Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, Fayetteville Fire Department, Fayetteville Police Department, Peachtree City Fire Department and Peachtree City Police Department.