PTC adding historical timeline to memorial project


Peachtree City’s effort to honor founding fathers Floy Farr and Joel Cowan is expanding.

The project, funded entirely by donations, is nearing its initial $25,000 goal. But another $35,000 will be needed to accommodate the addition of a “pre-history founder’s corner” and a timeline of city milestones placed around the plaza to mark notable firsts, community events, mayoral terms and other achievements.

The first phase will include busts of Cowan and Farr by sculptor Andy Davis.

A committee that includes long-time City Clerk Frances Meaders, Fayette County Historian Carolyn Cary, Dr. Gordon Fleming, and Hollis Harris has been meeting regularly with the artist during the initial part of the project. The group contacted Jim Strickland of Historical Concepts and long-time planner of Peachtree City, Jerry Peterson, to assist with developing an appropriate way to display the sculptures. 

Peterson developed a preliminary design that incorporates the “Founders Corner” at the northwest end of the fountain area within the footprint of the original City Hall building. This area will include the busts of Cowan and Farr and be marked by a low wall displaying plaques that commemorate the “pre-history” of Peachtree City.

A timeline will then be placed inside the sidewalk area around the fountain, marking years and decades, with the 2009 marker at the corner closest to City Hall and the 2059 marker at the southeast corner in front of the library.

The timeline and markers are envisioned to be inset into the grass so they will not interfere with mowing, and will be made of materials to withstand time to eliminate ongoing maintenance costs. A “Century” Plaza can be installed at a later time as Peachtree City approaches its 100th Birthday in 2059.

Any Peachtree City resident, former resident, or area business is welcome to contribute to the project. Checks for donations can be made to the City of Peachtree City, noting the “Historical Sculpture Project” in the memo portion of the check.

The city also has a Pay Pal account set up to accept contributions that is available at

 Contributing patrons who have helped support the project to date include:
Steve & Jan Boone; Scott Bradshaw; former mayor Fred Brown; former mayor Steve Brown; Edgar & Mary Chapman; Coweta-Fayette EMC; Katherine Creager; Paula and Dan Dougherty; The Family of Floy Farr; Gordon & Christine Fleming; Bob & Ann Garrard; Global Aviation; Hollis Harris; Bud & J.A. Jones; Larry & Frances Meaders; Partners II Pizza; The Rotary Club of Peachtree City; Iola Snow; Dan & Robin Tennant; Beth Viall; and Wayne & Edwina Griffin.