Brown: It’s time to be thankful


I give thanks this year for having the privilege to serve on the Board of Commissioners at a time when critical decisions were required at the same time I had colleagues who were willing to cast the tough votes.

I am thankful for the great relationship that exists between the county and city governments these days.

There are times when the workload gets heavy, making it easy to lose sight of the good things in life. I plead guilty on multiple counts.

As someone who travels about our metropolitan Atlanta region, I can tell you that Fayette County has distinct advantages for which we can all be thankful. Our Board of Commissioners battles hard to keep the things we dislike in our region from creeping into our county.

Undoubtedly, our county’s greatest asset is its citizens. As long as our citizens aspire to live in a place with a real sense of community, we will be all right.

At each of our meetings, your Board of Commissioners has made a point to recognize people and organizations in our community who make a difference. We are thankful to have such an abundance of people in our county.

Think about showing some kindheartedness to those around you as the holidays approach. Donate to a local charity of your choice. Do something special for the school bus driver, store clerk or firefighter who looks out for you every day. Send an encouraging letter to your child’s teacher or the pastor of your church.

The greatest benefit of being a county commissioner is getting to meet so many of the people living all about our county. I find a lot of compassion in our older residents and the children of our county give me a lot of hope for the future of our country. We have a wonderful bunch of hardworking moms and dads who keep our economic engine running.

I have spent some of the best years of my life in Fayette County and please know how much I appreciate your kindness, laughter and concern over that time.

Thank you for making a difference in my life and the lives of others. I wish you the happiest Thanksgiving ever.

Steve Brown, Chairman
Fayette County Board of Commissioners
Fayetteville, Ga.