St. Paul Lutheran’s ‘Blessing of the Animals’ set for Sunday in PTC


St. Paul Lutheran Church and School will host its first annual Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 3 p.m. The event welcomes all furry, feathered, finned, and scaled members of the family.

Pastor Rob Maulella will preside over the prayers and blessings. The event is held in honor of the Feast of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals.

The service will take place at the downstairs entryway and soccer field area. Animals must bring their human with them and must be safely secured in a cage, carrier or on a leash.

If the animal does not travel well or isn’t crowd friendly, bring a symbol of the animal, such as a leash, food bowl, cushion, or a photograph. If there are no live animals in the household, children are welcome to bring Teddy bears or other beloved stuffed animals.

One of the talented multi-purpose dogs from the Peachtree City Police Department will be featured in a demonstration with his handler. These canines are trained to track suspects, locate missing persons, search buildings, find items such as guns and explosives, and sniff out narcotics.

The event is free and pets of all denominations are welcome. There will be a “Yappy Hour” reception with treats for animals and humans following the service.

For more information, contact the church office, 770-487-0339 or visit