Senoia business owner charged with sending nude photo to girl, 14


Senoia business owner Todd Baggarly is facing a misdemeanor charge that involves a nude photo of himself that he purposefully sent to a 14-year-old Senoia girl.

Senoia Police Investigator Jason Ercole said a Senoia resident on Feb. 11 made a complaint to the Senoia Police Dept. alleging that Founders Restaurant owner Todd Baggarly had sent a nude photograph of himself to her 14-year-old daughter via Facebook.

 “The investigation by the police department revealed that on Feb. 7 at approximately 4 a.m. a message was sent from Mr. Baggarly’s Facebook page to the juvenile’s Facebook page along with an image of Mr. Baggarly nude. The investigation also revealed that Mr. Baggarly was the person responsible for sending the image,” Ercole said.

Contacted Wednesday, Ercole said the girl is a resident of Senoia, adding that the investigation revealed that Baggarly specifically and purposefully sent the image to the girl.

A warrant was issued for Baggarly’s arrest on Feb. 13 on charges of electronically furnishing obscene material to minors, which is considered a high and aggravated misdemeanor, said Ercole. Baggarly turned himself in later in the day, Ercole said. Baggarly’s date to appear in Coweta County State Court has not been set at this time.

Noting the distinction in the law pertaining to aggravated misdemeanor and felony charges relating to furnishing obscene material to a minor, Ercole said sending an image such as the one Baggarly sent but without including sexually explicit or suggestive language is an aggravated misdemeanor while the inclusion of such language along with the image would be considered a felony.