2 arrests tied to north Fayette burglary


Fayette County Sheriff’s Office investigators made an arrest on Sept. 8 in connection with a burglary that occurred earlier that day on Monticello Way in north Fayette County.

Investigators have arrested Chauncey Aquinas Burdette, 24, of Stone Mountain and Demond Bernard Porter, 23, of Lithonia charging them both with party to the crime of burglary, according to sheriff’s spokesman Brent Rowan.

Rowan said the case involves Burdette and Porter aiding the commission of a residential burglary on Monticello Way when they provided transportation and acted as lookouts for an unknown number of burglary suspects.

Investigators are currently investigating the identity of the additional suspects, Rowan said. If any one has any additional information on this case they are urged to contact the Fayette County Criminal Investigations Division at 770-461-6353.