Ridenhour will teach five-week course on reformed spirituality


Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville will host a five week course on “Rediscovering Lost Treasures: Why Reformed Spirituality Matters” beginning Sunday, Sept. 2 at 6 p.m.

The course will be taught by Pastor David Ridenhour (B.A., M.Div.), a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America laboring in Central Georgia Presbytery. Ridenhour is the associate pastor for worship and discipleship at Lake Oconee Presbyterian Church in Eatonton. He lives in Eatonton with his wife, Jennifer, and their son, Nathaniel.

“How a normal, everyday Christian struggles to grow in their relationship with Christ is nothing new,” a spokesperson said. “In fact, it has been around since the days of the apostles. And over time, the church has commended myriads of ways to grow strong and mature in our faith. The problem is, so often, we are not attracted to what is tried, true, and valuable, but rather to what is new, exciting, and seems to be gathering a crowd. This class will try to recover things that are in fact very old ideas; things that are promised in the Word, and championed by the reformation.”

Some of Ridenhour’s thoughts and writings can be found online at http://davidfridenhour.com.

Covenant Presbyterian is at 819 Ga. Highway 314, Fayetteville. For more information, call 770-460-9450 or visit www.covenantpres.net.