Upcoming meetings of interest to local gardeners


Public invited to Master Gardener March evening meeting

The Extension office and the Fayette Master Gardener Association invite the public to an evening meeting Tuesday, March 16, at the Fayette Library Community Room. The business meeting will begin at 6 p.m. followed by social time and at 7 o’clock the Program Chairman will introduce the speaker Geri Laufer. Laufer will speak on “Twenty Best Native Plants to Use in Your Garden.” She is a horticulture major, author, compelling public speaker, and has an impressive resume’. Guests may attend all or part of the meeting. Two evening meetings a year are planned to include the public. No reservation is necessary.

Tree Talk with Dan Frazier

Thursday, March 18 at 6:30 – 9 p.m., Room 210, Fayette County Complex (next door to the Extension Office, 2nd floor) – Stonewall Avenue, W. Make reservation by March 15, call 770-305-5412 ext. 7. Frazier, a Master Gardener with a degree in Forestry, will speak on selection, site to plant, care, disease, damage control, and pruning. Tree related questions are welcome. Sponsored by the Education Committee, Fayette Master Gardener Association.

South Metro Rose Society will discuss disease and insect control, Mar. 22
The South Metro Rose Society will hold a meeting at the Heritage Bank, 440 North Jeff Davis Rd in Fayetteville. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and the public is invited to attend free of charge. The program will be “Disease and Insect Control For Roses” presented by Consulting Rosarian Cindy Dale. She is an avid rose grower and exhibits her roses in many rose shows. For further information call 770-632-9907.

Turf Management With George Long

Tuesday, April 6 at 6:30 – 9 p.m., Room 210 Fayette County Complex (next door to the Extension Office, 2nd floor) – Stonewall Avenue, W. Make reservation by April 2, call 770-305-5412 ext. 7. Long , a Master Gardener with a degree in Horticulture, will cover different turfs, selections of turfs, care of turf, diseases and more. Turf related questions are welcome. Sponsored by the Education Committee, Fayette Master Gardener Association.