Here’s the Fayette County Commission agenda for Jan. 25


Below is the agenda for the Fayette County Commission meeting on Jan. 25, 2024 at the Fayette County Office Complex at the intersection of Ga. Highway 85 and Stonewall Avenue in Fayetteville.


January 25, 2024

5:00 p.m.

Welcome to the meeting of your Fayette County Board of Commissioners. Your participation in County government is appreciated. All regularly scheduled Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m.


Call to Order

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Eric Maxwell

Acceptance of Agenda


1. Presentation by Fayette County’s auditing firm, Nichols, Cauley & Associates, LLC, of the results of the Fiscal Year 2023 annual audit.


2. Second of two Public Hearings for the consideration of an application for a Special Use of Property at 1008 Hwy 54 W to operate a Drug Abuse Treatment Facility, in accordance with Sec. 110-175.

3. Consideration of Petition No. 1336-23, Andres Felipe Gallo; Curtis Ryan Thomas; Savanna Gallo; Sheffey Cochran, owners, request to rezone 1.3 acres from A-R to C-H for the purposes of developing commercial uses; property located in Land Lot 69 & 70 of the 5th District and fronts on GA Hwy 85 South.

4. Consideration of Petition No. 1337-23, Javier Torres Fernandez, owner; Nathan Dockery, agent, request to rezone 2.40 acres from A-R to R-20 for the purposes of building a single-family residence; property located in Land Lot 55 of the 5th District and fronts on Hilo Road.

5. Consideration of an amendment to the Fayette County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 110 – Zoning; Article V., Sec. 110-169. regarding conditional uses.


Speakers will be given a five (5) minute maximum time limit to speak before the Board of Commissioners about various topics, issues, and concerns. Speakers must direct comments to the Board. Responses are reserved at the discretion of the Board.


6. Approval of a request from the County Clerk for authorization to file the required Certificate of Appointment indicating that the Fayette County Democratic Party has appointed Zach Livsey to the Board of Elections for a four-year term commencing February 1, 2024 and expiring January 31, 2028.

7. Approval of a request from the County Clerk for authorization to file the required Certificate of Appointment indicating that the Fayette County Republican Party has appointed Sharlene Alexander to the Board of Elections for a four-year term commencing February 1, 2024 and expiring January 31, 2028.

8. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Patrick Murray, in the amount of $284.24 for tax years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

9. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Keshia Knight Pulliam, in the amount of $77.37 for tax year 2022.

10. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by MIKLO IRA LLC, in the amount of $237.44 for tax years 2022.

11. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Antonio Wilkins, in the amount of $409.92 for tax years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

12. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Solomone Fukuoka, in the amount of $454.87 for tax years 2021 and 2022.

13. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Carrilyn D. Strickland Arnold, in the amount of $4,311.11 for tax years 22020, 2021 and 2022.

14. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Russell and Jacqueline Hall, in the amount of $1,466.29 for tax years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

15. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Hector Morales, in the amount of $5,078.58 for tax years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

16. Approval of a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Jerry Knowles, in the amount of $1,219.84 for tax years 2017, 2018 and 2019.

17. Approval to award Bid #2348-B: 2017 SPLOST; Stormwater Category II, Tier II; 19SBQ Downing Court Culvert Replacement to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, F.S. Scarbrough, LLC, in the amount of $117,706.35 and to transfer $64,473 from 19SBO – Davis Road.

18. Approval to award Bid #2336-A for Lake Kedron Dam Intake Sluice Gate to Zion Marine Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $62,700 for replacement of Lake Kedron Dam exterior sluice gate and to transfer $22,700 from CIP 8CSSC to CIP 24WSE.

19. Approval of Ironside Locates Contract 2258-B; Utility Locating change order with a not-to-exceed amount of $105,000 to provide production utility locating of Water System infrastructure.

20. Approval of the January 11, 2024 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes.



21. Review the Impact Fee Ordinance update process and discuss possible amendments to Impact Fees and the Capital Improvement Element (CIE).

22. Request to approve the Planning Commission Selection Committee’s recommendation to appoint Boris Thomas to the Planning Commission to fill an unexpired term expiring December 31, 2024, and the subsequent term beginning January 1, 2025 and expiring December 31, 2027, per County Policy 100.19; Board Appointment.

23. Request to award Contract 2337-P, Fayette County Fire & EMS Classroom Building and Training Tower Construction Manager at Risk, to MEJA Construction, Inc. for the initial contract amount of $475,000 which includes General Conditions and General Requirements and the Construction Manager fee.

24. Request to award Bid #2344-B: Foxhall Farms Stormwater Replacement to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Hughes Site Works, LLC in the amount of $309,281.38.