The Nashville tragedy


What happened in Nashville on Monday March 27th is tragic in many ways. Of course, the main tragedy was the murder of three children and three adults. Whoever is commenting on this case should first and always start with that. But I also have sympathy for the shooter, who had been indoctrinated to the point where she felt violence was her only recourse.

It is tragic that a transgender woman felt that she had to lash out like this. We can’t confirm in detail what was going through her mind because the police have refused to release her “manifesto,” but they nevertheless claimed it did indicate both an animus towards Christians and detailed plans for the attack.

LGBTQ+ activists have seized on this tragedy to once again cast themselves as victims, victims in a society whose mainstream corporate, media, educational and governmental institutions celebrate and promote their cause non-stop.

But because some people have 1) refused to accept the claims of transgender ideology and 2) called for legislation to protect minors from permanent hormonal and bodily harm, transgender advocates feel that they remain a persecuted, marginal group.

And, they claim that such resistance harms their very well-being and accuse their opponents of “hating” them and trying to “erase” them. They demand complete obedience to their cause and will brook no opposition. So much for the cause of “tolerance.”

One very important point to make here is that almost none of this legislation or push-back would be happening if the LGBTQ+ activists limited their efforts to the adult realm. If they didn’t invite children to drag shows, or advocate for hormone therapies and surgery for gender-confused children, or surreptitiously place graphic homosexual pornography in elementary school libraries, we wouldn’t be having these discussions.

But since they are doing these things, a good number of American citizens are pushing back and drawing a line in the sand saying, “Leave our kids alone!”

If we do not want children under 18 to be able to vote, drink alcohol, rent a car, get a tattoo, or engage in sexual activity with adults, then why on earth would we allow them to engage in irreversible hormone and surgical treatments? Especially when studies show that the vast majority of children who experiment with gender identity revert back to their biological sex as adults.

Trans activists would argue that the risks are worth it because if you don’t let a kid transition, they will be more likely to commit suicide. Leaving aside the terrible emotional blackmail of this tactic and the lack of data to back it up, let us remember that trans adults have an attempted suicide rate of 40%. That is 40 times the rate of the general population.

So, how does it make any sense to insist that to avoid suicidality a child must be allowed to assume behavior that will increase their chance of attempted suicide by 4000%?

But, as usual, LGBTQ+ activists ignore such common sense and continue with their demands for complete and total obedience to their agenda, in spite of the harm it may do to children or themselves. They have succeeded in convincing much of polite society to do so and have completely captured the White House as well.

When President Biden thus claims, after a transgender person killed 6 innocent people, that there is an “epidemic of violence” against trans folks, you know that facts have been utterly replaced by ideology. Worse, this kind of rhetoric, along with hyperventilating about the so-called “genocide” of trans people by Christians and conservatives, is very likely to inspire the kind of violence we saw in Nashville.

Those of us who defend biology, science, and traditional, Christian views of male and female are not the ones inciting violence. We are simply trying to protect children from permanent physical damage and to guard their innocence.

It is vital that children not be confronted with any kind of sexual indoctrination in our schools, whether it be hetero- or homosexual in nature. That’s not the job of educators. That’s reserved for parents alone.

Leave our children alone, and we’ll leave you alone. That’s our stance. The stance of LGBTQ+ activists seems to be: let us indoctrinate your children the way we see fit, or else.

And, unfortunately, we’ve seen just how bad the “or else” can get in Nashville. May God forgive us all and have mercy on those who think violence is the way to solve such problems.

Trey Hoffman

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Trey Hoffman writes within the second sentence of his opinion piece, “Of course the main tragedy was the murder of three children and three adults.” And yet he and most of the 50+ comments to this article (so far to date) deliberately dive down a rabbit hole and ignore the obvious cultural problem going on here in this country. And that is … firearms are the leading cause of death these days for our children (and teens) here in the US. Full-stop. The NRA, conservative media outlets, and the “new” Republican Party thank you for ignoring this very concerning and grave statistic on a subject matter that is killing many of our youth.

    • Yet the worst school massacre in US history was done without a gun almost 95 years ago. You make the simplistic assumption that without a gun, someone determined to harm others will be incapable of doing so without the use of a gun. Guns are a means to an end, not the cause. The DNC wants to convince you that without guns you will be safe. Trust in them with their armed security details, as they defund the police and you will be safe.

      I have to agree with Brewster, that we’ve got to change our culture and its influences, and Hollywood would be a good start.

    • Doon – Wrong. “According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fentanyl is now the top cause of death among U.S. adults (ages 18-45) – more than COVID-19, suicide and car accidents.” (Yahoo News, 9/16/22)

      Fentanyl deaths are one more consequence of the leftist open borders policy, along with allowing a record 2,760,000 known illegals to enter the US in FY22 (NBC News 10/22/22) and sex trafficking of women and children.

  2. The beginning of this week I listened to a news report on NPR. It featured a brief moment with Chelsea Freels. Chelsea is a transgender 17 year old in St. Louis, Mo.

    Chelsea has spent much of this year “trying to convince Missouri lawmakers to not vote for legislation barring what’s known as care for transgender youth like her.”

    She laughs, “Protect me from WHAT? ‘Oh no! The kid is getting better grades. Oh no! The scary transgender has friends! What are they going to do–SMILE?!”

    May I suggest that in the midst all your outlandish questions/answers, you hear Chelsea’s sincere one.
    It may lead you to rethink your good intentions.

    Families with nonbinary children are best placed to help them navigate life. We need to step aside and let them find that smile Chelsea speaks of.

      • Oh, my friend vics1966…
        It’s really not about being nice. It’s all about Love.

        And I am far past debating. I am pleading.

        We simply MUST stand by our kids who are struggling.

        Your responses and your actions are yours, entirely.

        • Hi Suz…I dig the Love having been a bit of a hippy in my day…however I feel we are in a steep decline culturally.
          It’s very sad that radical ideas in America are driving all of the narratives.
          I see you prefer to not debate or answer my questions.
          Maybe you have given up any common sense you may have…
          I’ll let you go back to your life of scented candles.

        • Suz – sometimes love means doing the hard thing….like confronting people when they’re wrong and need an intervention. Love is not simply going along with someone who has a mental illness like gender dysphoria (or addiction or a substance abuse problem) and encouraging them to pursue misguided cultural influences that are coercing them to permanently mutilate their bodies beyond repair. That’s not love…..that’s encouraging someone to delve further into a mental illness which leaves permanent physical scars on their bodies. There is no turning back. Your idea of love is crippling them for life, never fully allowing them to experience life as they were designed to experience it.

          • Hello the_wing_t
            I think you vastly over-estimate my influence. And vastly under-estimate the infallibility of Love.

            By the way, I am not advocating for any specific treatment for transgender kids (mental or physical).

            As I repeatedly said, I advocate for those decisions to be made by them and their families, with professional guidance.

            I simply think they need privacy and freedom to decide what is best.

            (oh, wait! Here is a foot stomp for MyCatBill…I’ve been practicing!)

          • How many parents would assist their minor child in getting a tubal/vasectomy if they told you they never want to have children?

            I advocate that should any child ever be rendered sterile including that in the pursuit of “gender affirming healthcare” rendered upon them prior to reaching the age of legal majority, be permitted explicitly in law to sue their parents, professional guidance which made recommendation, medical attendants, doctors, surgeons, and insurers which participated, into a financial oblivion for damages both past and present and for any and all future damages including pain and suffering should the sterile victim ever change their mind. Further law this should apply retroactively.

            Put simply, if you aren’t old enough drink or smoke, you definitely aren’t old enough to decide you want to give up your ability to have children and have yourself sterilized even with your parents’ permission.

            And it’s time for all states to step up and give ALL children in their state these protections.

            I could care less if someone wants to dress their child as the opposite sex, but for their child’s future ability to have children of their own, don’t sterilize these kids before they reach adulthood. Don’t consent to allowing the mutilation of their genitals through reconstruction which could impede their ability to find sexual pleasure before they have a chance to fully experience it.

            As for Chealsea, this is what her lawmakers are trying to protect her from.

          • Sir – What a fantastic idea. But why stop with transsexual issues affecting minors? Since far more children are killed and maimed by guns, let’s apply your thoughtful consequences to these tragedies. It would be a sure-fire deterrent.

            Any gun owner whose gun is attained by a child (whether by theft, carelessness, etc.) would be liable both criminally and civilly for the injury. The parent or guardian that was supposed to be watching the child could also go to prison. Of course, the gun manufacturer would be held liable as would the ammunition merchant. We could even throw in criminal and civil indictments for the spineless legislators who take their orders from the NRA.

            I love simplistic solutions to problems. They make me feel warm all over!

          • STF,

            As we’ve discussed before, I have no qualms with holding people responsible for failing to take reasonable steps to secure their firearm, regardless of whether another person is hurt or killed.

            As for holding gun manufacturers and ammunition makers responsible, that would be like holding Ford Motors and Bud Lite responsible for someone being hurt by an intoxicated driver. That would be like holding the scalpel or operating table manufacturers responsible for a regretted sterilization of a child.

            In your example, the makers of the operating table and scalpels should also be held liable. (makers of the guns and bullets). Another similar comparison would be to hold Ford liable for a drunk driver running over your grandmother.

            How about we settle for prosecuting more murders getting them off the streets. I know, it’s a novel idea. Out of the 797 criminal homicide cases in Chicago in 2021, There were 400 homicide cases closed, 7 were for cases more than 10 years earlier, 199 were closed with no charges filed.

          • Will one of you right-wingers please explain satire to Sir. Perhaps you can communicate in Fox-speak.

          • STF,

            Your idea of “satire” was the exact plan Biden proposed two years ago on April 8 2021. I guess you think Joe is a joker too.

            LOL, and I thought Brit humor was dry!

  3. I have two new questions and one suggestion:
    1) Why is it predominantly boys/men who want to become girls/women and then go to female bathrooms or overtake their sports…. where are the girls/women who want to become boys/men?
    2) Why aren’t Black parents on board with this…where are the Black boys/men who want to become girls/women?
    Shouldn’t the LBGQ community send missionaries to Afghanistan, China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc…to promote and convert the general population…maybe protest and disrupt their governing bodies while they are in session.

  4. There are some encyclopedic responses and comments about this opinion piece, but my biggest 2 questions are:
    1) Who or what do you believe “assigns sex at birth” (It is determined at conception and it’s ignorant to call it an “assignment”).
    2) Who has the right to influence or create questions in an immature child’s mind about sexuality? (If I approached a playground full of children and proposed sexual identity discussions, I’m sure I’d be taken off to jail…politicians and teachers can get into children’s heads about this with impunity).

    • Vics – You answered your first question correctly. I challenge anyone who thinks otherwise to explain.

      Spot on with question #2.

      A similar question to #2: why should an exhibitionist in the park go to jail, yet the same person, same act in a women’s locker room is OK as long as they “identify” as a woman? (And he maybe gets a “Woman of the Year” award or a Bud Light can.)

      • Thanks, MyCatBill
        I appreciate the comments…crickets from VisionaryJax , suz , and some others who seem to embrace sexually questioning and physically modifying prepubescent children…based on feelings.
        How far would/will they take it with their own children/grandchildren.

  5. These are the issues that we must come to terms with. They hold the power to divide us into oblivion.

    It is interesting that as far as I know history crazy man seems to be on the side of what has worked most often and the harsh critic know it all attackers are on the side of …. attacking and not using logic to change anyone’s mind.

    Doesn’t bode well for our children’s future.

  6. Hello to my Fox News-loving, easily-swayed, and horribly frightened white Christian friends of PTC! And loving greetings to STF and Suz who have been shouldering the burden of both reason and compassion with regard to Trey’s latest screed. You are doing the Lord’s work. Sorry I am coming late to the party to throw in my acerbic and rainbow-colored two cents.

    First penny … STF has fought the good fight here for how gruesome it is for Trey to make hay with a tragic mass shooting to score points for his opinions about medical care for trans kids and teens. There is no connection there, and for him to make one is abhorrent; STF is right this is Alex Jones level monstrosity. And that is low, even for Trey.

    Second penny … although we know patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings, today’s right-wing grifters have managed to combine it with something even less authentic and more grotesque: “Won’t anyone think of the children?” You know as soon as a white Christian nationalist starts crying about the threat to the children, as Trey clearly does here, they are either:

    * A dupe who can’t see they are being manipulated by a far-right machine in its quest for power, or
    * A hypocrite hungry for power who knows they don’t care a fig for the children but that others do and so will support them in their authoritarian aims.

    I believe Trey is the former, as the latter tend to have titles like Senator, Congressman, Pundit, Commentator, Proud Boy, Three Percenter, etc.

    What these people mean when they say they want to “protect the children” by taking away the rights of vulnerable groups such as our trans siblings (even taking away the rights of the parents of trans children to get their kids the medical care they need!) is that they want to galvanize their base to make a power grab. People like Trey fall right into the trap and give the power to the proto-fascists because they think they are “saving the children.”

    But of course, they’re not. What would “save the children” from school shootings like the one Trey is ostensibly bemoaning in this letter is gun control. The USA is the 128th safest nation in the world — and the reason for such a horrendous ranking in the home of the free is mass shootings. Less guns = less mass shootings = save the children.

    Now we have established that the right wing does not, in fact, care to “save the children.” Why then this hysterical backlash against trans rights and LGBTQiA visibility right now? The right wing is desperate for power, and they know their impassioned pleas about how trans folk want to “groom” your kids, abuse and convert them, will frighten their gullible base and get them angry. As Yoda says, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

    They’re stoking fear, anger, and hate, because these children they want to protect, and these trans people they want to crush, are ultimately not people at all to them, but the publicity pawns they need to get their base to do their will.

    In fact, STF’s mention of Alex Jones/Sandy Hook is very apropos: AJ didn’t care about the children who died or their grieving parents as human beings; they were fodder for his grift machine, drawing the gullible to his website to buy his supplements and survival foods. In the same way, the fear-mongers are convincing the gullible like Trey that it’s in the name of children they don’t know or care about that we must elect leaders who will strip the rights from LGBTQ folk.

    Demonizing LGBTQ rights and trans identity particularly has become a fund-raising bonanza for conservative advocacy groups. After same-sex marriage became commonplace and abortion rights were destroyed, conservative PAC’s couldn’t just sit back and allow their paranoid base to relax; they had to come up with a new way to bleed them, and stoking fears about trans kids became the issue.

    One reason we can know this is the case, that the power brokers in the right wing don’t really care about kids and are just stoking this anti-trans hate for their own gain: consider whether you would be in favor of laws that denied you the right to seek desperately needed medical attention for your child and placed that responsibility into the hands of the state? This is what you are supporting if you agree with Trey: the very tyranny y’all squalled like scalded cats was coming if we enacted Obama Care. The very thing you did NOT want for this country when someone told you it was Obama’s idea (which it wasn’t even in the ACA!) you now endorse for trans kids and parents of trans kids. Someone is manipulating you, making you trade good for evil and evil for good, as the Bible says. You are smarter than this. You are better than this.

    Dear friends, trans people mean you no harm. They’re people, just like you and me. They’re not trying to rape your kids (STF is right, if you want a group to demonize on that score, look to the church, Catholic and evangelical alike). Instead of obsessing that some trans child somewhere might get the medical and emotional care they need, focus instead on children who really do need protecting, from a future of fascism we’re embarking on in America if we go down this dark path.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    • Jax – so many talking points and your own version of “hate”, so little facts and reason. I’ll address a couple:

      Guns – Chicago has among the toughest gun control laws anywhere, yet is a Top 5 murder city. Remove those Top 5 cities for homicide (all Democrat-run) from US statistics, and the US becomes one of the safest countries.

      I agree that gender confused teens should have access to psychiatric care. It is a mental health problem that extends beyond childhood. However, removing kids’ healthy body parts or giving them the same drugs used to chemically castrate prisoners to address a psychiatric problem is child abuse.

      It’s physically impossible for men to become women through “gender affirming care”, yet here you are advocating for a lie. And it has awful consequences for those who get it beyond irreversible damage to the body.

      There is a peer reviewed Swedish study conducted across 30 years that was cited as a reason for Medicare not to cover sex change procedures. This study found that the suicide rate of a transsexual was almost 20 times higher than non-trans peers.

      “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.”

      Still good with trans’ing the kids?

      You did not address states, such as the state of Washington, legalizing the removal of kids from their parents if the parents do not go along with trans’ing their child. You’re good with that?

      You did not address the trans push to force men’s access to women’s locker rooms, showers and bath rooms. You’re ok with that for yourself and female family? Men in women’s prisons? Or men taking away competitive and scholarship sports opportunities from our daughters and granddaughters?

      It’s not hate, demonization or inciting violence to want to protect children from cross-dressing men who want to instill adult sexual values that many do not subscribe to. Not long ago, this was considered common sense.

      Drag Queens are grooming kids. As one drag queen involved in staging a Drag Queen Story Hour confessed: “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation.”

      Why do we rightly condemn someone appearing in blackface, yet we’re supposed to applaud a sexualized caricature of women by men with hideous make-up, falsies and g-strings parading in front of children?

      Progressives are the ones denying biology, trans’ing kids and harassing others to pretend along with you. Yet you attack those of us wanting to maintain eternal truths and a free-thinking culture. Absurd.

      Completing our tour of progressive thought we arrive at the required demeaning of Christians. “White, nationalist Christians” at that. You need some serious diversity training for your “hate” hang-ups.

      Looking forward to your answers, “professor”.

    • Jax – so many talking points and your own version of “hate”, so little facts and reason. I’ll address a couple:

      Guns – Chicago has among the toughest gun control laws anywhere, yet is a Top 5 murder city. Remove those Top 5 cities for homicide (all Democrat-run) from US statistics, and the US becomes one of the safest countries.

      I agree that gender confused teens should have access to psychiatric care. It is a mental health problem that extends beyond childhood. However, removing kids’ healthy body parts or giving them the same drugs used to chemically castrate prisoners to address a psychiatric problem is child abuse.

      It’s physically impossible for men to become women through “gender affirming care”, yet here you are advocating for a lie. And it has awful consequences for those who get it beyond irreversible damage to the body.

      There is a peer reviewed Swedish study conducted across 30 years that was cited as a reason for Medicare not to cover sex change procedures. This study found that the suicide rate of a transsexual was almost 20 times higher than non-trans peers.

      “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.”

      Still good with trans’ing the kids?

      You did not address states, such as the state of Washington, legalizing the removal of kids from their parents if the parents do not go along with trans’ing their child. You’re good with that?

      You did not address the trans push to force men’s access to women’s locker rooms, showers and bath rooms. You’re ok with that for yourself and female family? Men in women’s prisons? Or men taking away competitive and scholarship sports opportunities from our daughters and granddaughters?

      It’s not hate, demonization or inciting violence to want to protect children from cross-dressing men who want to instill adult sexual values that many do not subscribe to. Not long ago, this was considered common sense.

      Drag Queens are grooming kids. As one drag queen involved in staging a Drag Queen Story Hour confessed: “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation.”

      Why do we rightly condemn someone appearing in blackface, yet we’re supposed to applaud a sexualized caricature of women by men with hideous make-up, falsies and g-strings parading in front of children?

      Progressives are the ones denying biology, trans’ing kids and harassing others to pretend along with you. Yet you attack those of us wanting to maintain eternal truths and a free-thinking culture. Absurd.

      Completing our tour of progressive thought we arrive at the required demeaning of Christians. “White, nationalist Christians” at that. You need some serious diversity training for your “hate” hang-ups.

      Looking forward to your answers, “professor”.

      • A reply so nice you made it twice. LOL JK, you’re good, I’ve done the double post thing myself accidentally too.

        “Professor” — 😄 ha ha ha I like it! FWIW I don’t “profess” to much other than verbosity! So let me try to answer your “sincere questions” about my comment above. LOL I love this quote-unquote thing! Onward!

        I don’t know what “trans’ing” a child means, so I can’t help you there.

        When I read the laundry list of “don’t you care that THEY are going to be in your space?” — from bathrooms to sports to prisons,etc. — I remember history’s lessons from the time THEY were people of color, and white folks didn’t want THEM in our bathrooms, sports leagues, even churches! “The other” always seems to be viewed with anger and fear until you get to know them and realize they just want to live the same way you want to live. They’re not here to take your kids. And to keep on pretending they are is silly.

        And when it comes to Drag Story Hour: it is a children’s event and not a drag show or burlesque show. There’s no one trying to sexualize children at story hour. It’s like regular story hour, only the story lady is dressed outrageously.

        When you get right down to it, your fear about Drag Story Hour is: I don’t like the way that person is dressed as they tell my kid a story. OK, so don’t take your kid there to hear the story. Not everyone is as particular about the way other people dress as you are.

        For conservatives to pretend drag queens are “grooming”children at story hour is silly. The drag queens don’t have one on one time with the kids; they’re reading a story to a whole group of kids. You might as well say the princesses at Disney are grooming kids. They’re not; they’re just costumed performers that make kids happy. How is that sexualizing children or grooming them? It’s not.

        When you ask why drag is OK and blackface is not, you tip your hand a little, despite your bristling at my phraseology of “white Christian nationalism.” Blackface is an insult linked to an immutable characteristic of black people, while drag is an homage to the feminine. A person can change their clothes so they’re in drag or not in drag; a black person can’t change their skin so they’re black or not.

        Enough about Story Hour. It is a totally different topic from medical care for trans youth, and I don’t even remember how we got there!

        Now as for the 30-year-old study that concluded trans folk are more likely to be depressed and feel suicidal — for sure. If the whole world is geared toward someone you are not, and you can’t feel at home in your own skin, of course you are going to feel depressed and suicidal. This is all the more reason that we need to provide gender affirming care for young people! The number one predictor of how likely a trans youth is to consider or attempt suicide is the level of support they have from family/adults in affirming their identity.

        It seems that laws forcing parents to neglect the care their children need would contribute TO the depression of trans kids rather than help to alleviate it.

        I am sorry if you felt my comments were denigrating to Christians, in general. I am a Christian myself and didn’t mean to demean anyone based on their religious affiliation. I do find it abhorrent when anyone links Christianity to fascism, white nationalism, or calls for stripping human rights from vulnerable groups, because that is not the Jesus of my journey at all.

        I don’t know if I answered all your questions, but I would like to reiterate what was really at the heart of my comment rather than going any further down the rabbit hole:

        The current frenzy to demonize and strip away the rights of the LGBTQiA community is NOT about protecting children — rather it is a crass manipulation on the part of right-wing fear-mongers who want to terrify the white Christian populace and thus squeeze money and votes out of them. If we let them inspire fear, anger, and hate in us so that we hand them what they want, we will find ourselves living in a fascist country.

        If you are a straight cisgender white person, that might be great for you for now, but at what cost to your children, grandchildren, and posterity?

        Hope this sounds less hateful! 😁

        • Hiya Faithful VJax–
          I always appreciate what you add to the discussion; well-researched, informative (and entertaining as well!). Thank you for taking the time.

          What strikes me, too, is that you and I approach most subjects in different ways…but invariably end up at the same conclusion.

          In this case, we discern that decisions made under the influence of misunderstanding and fear are poor ones. We maintain that Love is a much better option; for all concerned.

          So you defend transgender rights with information and logic. ( Nice job, Prof! ) I attempt the same, by relying on the Perfect Love that casts out fear. Happily we both end up standing side-by-side. Along with trans kids and their parents.

          It’s a good place to be.

        • You don’t have a right to confuse and coerce a child and to mutilate their bodies before their minds are fully developed enough to make good sound decisions……not sure how you think that “right” is being stripped away, but you’re a perverted person to think you’re helping someone by doing that. Try to convince me what you want to be able to do to children here is any different than genital mutilation that happens in other countries…..

          If you could only stop and listen to the voice of reason……what you’re wanting to be able to do to children – to chop off sexual organs and body parts and to inject life-altering hormones into pre-pubescent kids – that’s been not accepted by the civilized world for hundreds of years… in the world do you have the arrogance to somehow think you’re so enlightened now to think this stuff should be encouraged and celebrated?

          • Oh, Friend Brewster, beneath that curmudgeonly exterior, I’ve always suspected you are just an old softie!

          • @ wing t- If parents don’t have the right to confuse, coerce and mutilate their children then who does? All the above has been going on since the history of time. The old testament has a story where two women eat their sons during a time of war/siege/famine. Children were a source of food. Circumcision is mutilation (unless you are Jewish, right?) and that thing they do to girls in other countries (that you noted). This all still goes on at the parent’s behest. So, things change over time. Usually for the good but sometimes not. Remember the “whole language” movement in education? That was not for the good. One must trust that parents are doing what is best for their child. We know there are scumbag parents out there, so it is hard. But most parents are informed and loving. They are doing the best they can.

        • Suz – (re your 4/20 response) yes, you sound less hateful this time, but just as befuddled on the facts and truth of the transgender mass psychoses afflicting the US. Here’s help for your confusion:

          Trans’ing the kids is what you are advocating for. It’s adults influencing and enabling children to be chemically or surgically altered from their biological sex, or pretending along with their mental issue belief that “identification” makes them the opposite sex.

          Even worse, trans’ing children against parents’ wishes or knowledge. You didn’t answer why it’s good for government to take away their kids if they oppose sex change drugs or surgery. How can you be for that?

          You also did not answer my question if you are ok with biological males next to you or your mother / daughter in a locker room, shower, bathroom, changing room, etc. It is not an abstract “other” question: there is nudity, personal space, decency and safety for women and girls at issue here.

          You dismiss that your advocacy for changing the biological sex of children puts them on a path of increased likelihood of suicide and other problems. Instead you blame everyone else. The study proves sex change drugs and surgery don’t solve the mental issues at root cause, and might make things worse.

          Both race and sex are immutable / not changeable. (Michael Jackson significantly altered his look, but like trans people, did not change biology.)
          Blackface and drag queens are awful imposters making a mockery of black people and women. Ever watch Dylan Mulvaney, the trans-guy who wants to “normalize the bulge” on women? That’s what you consider homage?

          Plus you have to answer why drag queens must dance and twerk in front of children if they are not groomers.

          This is not about any part of the LGB club other than the T’s and their allies (like teachers) who work to influence kids down the path of lifelong body damage and suicide based on a lie. The only rights at issue here is the right to privacy for women.

          Who cares if I’m a straight, cisgender white person? I oppose your ideas and actions that impact others, especially toward children, not who or what you are. Making that an issue is where you and others on the left go wrong on so many topics.

          • Umm…I think you have me confused with VissionaryJax?

            Jax is much more knowledgeable than I; more erudite; more witty.

            The similarity comes from the fact that we both share a heart full of love and acceptance, especially for the marginalized.

            I am proud to be aligned with VJax.

            But only she can answer your questions.

    • Just set up a 3rd category for trans people and they can populate it…including bathrooms / locker rooms and sports.
      These modified humans are not changed into the opposite sex no matter what they do…just at best attaching or removing a few parts with added “appearance package”…I think this whole trans thing might eventually become a passing pop culture trend (example: tattoos/piercings/bellbottoms) …in 5 years all of it might be as popular as an old SEARS double knit leisure suit.
      Much of what is desired early in life is discarded once an adult.

  7. Trey Hoffman–
    It seems to me that parents of a non-binary child desire the same things as parents raising cis-gender children. They want the freedom to assist their kids, guided by medical experts, to be healthy and happy; living into who they truly are.

    There is nothing nefarious in that. Nothing to suggest they are establishing an alarming plan for everyone else. An agenda you insist, “…demands for complete and total obedience”! I imagine they have their hands full, just being ordinary loving moms and dads.

    Letters such as yours, Trey, aren’t helpful to anyone struggling with this issue.

    To the beleaguered LGBTQ+ community, may I say–
    “Mr. Hoffman speaks only for himself. Certainly, not for me. You are not alone. You have friends and allies in your neighborhood. We sincerely love you and support you. Please don’t despair. Change will come.”

    Hopefully even in the heart of Trey.

    • Nefarious fits quite well to describe the crime of intentionally sterilizing and mutilating a child’s body.

      A pre-pubescent child is not capable of understanding what it is like to be never able to bring a child into this world. This therefore makes it impossible for a parent to truly know or make an adequately informed decision concerning eliminating the reproductive abilities of their child henceforth.

      In the 17th to 19th century, it was commonplace for parents to have a talented vocalist son castrated in order to preserve their soprano voices for the church choir and these children were known as castrati. The practice ended after Pope Leo XIII banned the hiring by the church of new castrati in 1878. Italy had already outlawed the practice in 1861 with the unification of Italy by adopting the laws of the kingdom of Sardinia.

      Turning back to the present, I think a better approach to protecting these children would be to pass a law allowing castrated/sterilized minors to collect pain and suffering as well as damages, should they suffer regrets later in life from EVERYBODY that participated or encouraged their pre-adulthood transition. That includes the teachers and others that suggested they might be happier to go through life as the other sex. This law should be retroactive.

      I wonder who here sees Pope Leo XIII the bad guy for not letting these children keep their virtuoso voices and their ability to identify as a soprano.

      For many children, being “seen” or getting attention and being treated as a celebrity may be enticing many children to question their gender. The same may be true for some of these parents via proxy through their child’s dysphoria.

      None of these laws are anti-trans, nor trans genocidal, and does not limit an adult from making adult decisions about their gender or being “seen”. As for being “seen”, seems sort of histrionic or narcissistic to me FWIW.

    • Hi Suz
      How do you know if a child is non-binary?
      Are they like a line of computer code 1 for on and 0 for off?
      When is a child mature enough to decide that they are non-binary?
      Children have a lot of phases… is non-binary possibly a phase in some children?
      Do parents simply agree with their children and begin hormones and slice ‘n dice them early and often?
      Part of the reason this world is going to crash is because adults are letting immature children run their lives?

        • 10/4 Brewster…I’m hoping Miss Suz will consider how her point of view can lead to children being forever altered before they are mature enough (say maybe 40 years old) know what they are doing.

      • I think your comment of April 15 is my point, vics1966–
        Surely parents of a non-binary child spend untold hours, struggling with the same questions you pose; and many, many more.

        You, may I note, have the luxury of being flippant–“…slice ‘n dice them early and often?”. For these concerned parents, I daresay the humor eludes them.

        I still maintain that parents of a transgender child are searching for answers and solutions to guide and support their child. THEIR child. One that they know and love; and are best placed to recognize when they are in need of assistance (Including professional help). Like all moms and dads, one would hope.

        A bit of empathy and compassion from us would not go amiss.

        • Thanks for the comments Suz.
          I get your empathy/sympathy and confusion over what parents should do…I feel their job is to guide the child, if possible, and to encourage a mature approach…. rather than allow or promote non reversable decisions.
          Same as if they wanted to smoke, drink, do drugs, have unprotected sex, join the Renaissance Fair.

    • Suz – “Beleaguered LGBTQ+ community”? Up is really down in your world.

      The LGB’s get special preferences and treatment in most corners of business, media, government and culture, so they aren’t “beleaguered”. It’s the non-LGB’s that are constantly pressured to accept their agenda.

      But that’s not my concern at all compared to the T’s of the LGBTQ+, the trans club. They groom children with drag queens, impose “trans rights”, demand women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and sports be open to men, and insist we pretend boys can be girls along with them.

      The worst of the worst is the surgical and chemical mutilation of healthy kids who don’t have the maturity or awareness to know what they are doing. This is enabled by government schools and by leftist states, such as Washington, that just passed a law allowing kids to be taken away from their parents, if the parents don’t allow the sex change of THEIR OWN child!

      It’s not the LGBTQ+ crowd that is “beleaguered”. No, it’s those who just want to live our lives and raise our children to love God, their family and their country, who value character and responsibility in our fellow man over any surface characteristics, who are the ones beleaguered by activists to bend to the radical trans agenda.

      • Two bit – wait a minute…….are you saying that KJP, our current White House press secretary, might have only gotten her job because she’s a member of the alphabet gang, and not because she’s an excellent liar and communicator? What’s next – you gonna tell me that Rachel Levine only got his job because he’s a man pretending to be a woman, and not because he’s an outstanding physician?

        • I hadn’t thought of Admiral Rachel (fka Richard) Levine, 2022 USA Today “Woman of the Year”. Highly unlikely Levine gets the gig wearing a suit and tie.

          I’m only going by primary credentials highlighted by the administration, (see “Jen Psaki celebrates Karine Jean-Pierre, who will replace her as White House press secretary. Jean-Pierre will be the first Black and openly LGBTQ+ person to serve in the role.” CBS NEWS MAY 6, 2022), and then her awful job performance.

          Very similar to the job performance of a mediocre former mayor of a town in Indiana that’s the size of Sandy Springs, who got a Cabinet-level role over the Transportation Department with no relevant experience, but could also check a LGBTQ+ box . . .

          I care not what they do in their private time, it’s just not a job qualification.

          • What no mention of the cross dressing non-binary Dept of Energy Nuclear Waste executive, and part time luggage collector Sam Brinton? Another talented and multifaceted Biden appointee by the Biden administration!

            At least we’ve been tipped on Sam’s shopping secrets to save you lots of money so you can send more to ACTBLUE.

          • I didn’t forget about Sam….I left him off the list because I just figured he….she……..whatever…..I figured he actually got his job because of his merits and that he was a brilliant nuclear waste engineer or whatever his fabulous degree is in……did I miss something??? lol

  8. This represents a new low for Hoffman (and the line was already subterranean). He exploits the tragic deaths of 6 people to rant about his objections to minors being indoctrinated into or treated for transgender issues.

    There are no indications whatsoever that this shooter was treated for any gender identity issues as a minor. Trey irresponsibly inserts this nonissue into the narrative, and then rails with all of his fury and prejudices.

    I can only repeat the words of Joseph Welch to another bully who exploited every prejudice to tear down those he disagreed with, “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

    • Stranger – Decency? Where is the decency in the indoctrination of children into transgender ideology, for men in make-up and dresses to twerk in front of children, or for the invasion of men into women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and sports?

      There is no decency in irreversibly maiming a minor who has what could be temporary gender issues, in the falsehood of 48 genders determined by thought not anatomy, or in placing books depicting sex acts in school libraries over parents’ objections.

      So I ask you: at long last, have you left no sense of decency?

      • The Nashville shooting has nothing to do with transgender issues with minors – absolutely NOTHING. Hoffman invents this out of thin air.

        What if I said that the shooter carried out the murders because she had been molested by the minister at the church? It would be just as irresponsible.

        Trey is acting like Alex Jones at Sandy Hook. He is inventing a narrative and then exploiting these victims for his own bloviation. It is beneath contempt.

        • So is it just coincidence that 4 recent mass shootings have happened at the hands of a trans crossdressing individual or someone who’s gender dysphoric? With such a small percentage of Americans claiming to be “trans”, it seems like a high percentage of them turn out to be violent gun offenders. It must be the gun’s fault, right? Take away the guns and the mentally ill person will be fine?

        • We might never know the reason the shooting was carried out….the police and FBI seem to be conveniently burying the manifesto and not releasing it…amazing how that happens when it’s something that is detrimental to leftists……I got $100 that says if they were a Trump supporting individual, the manifesto would be on the front page of every liberal rag the day after the shooting.

          • Like Trey, you are conflating transgender adult issues with his diatribe about improperly influencing minors in transgender issues. This is irresponsible on all but Fox News.

          • So you don’t see any correlation between what leftists are trying to promote and indoctrinate into our kids, and what happens to the same kids when they get slightly older??

            If alcoholism was an issue with people in their 20’s, would you be okay with beer companies targeting kids to become consumers earlier in their life? Or wouldn’t there be any correlation between the two?

          • I’ll use Trey’s logic. Since pastors and priests have been widely accused and convicted of sexual impropriety with minors, it follows that this shooter was seeking revenge for being sexually assaulted by a clergyman when she was a minor.

            My speculation is my reality. So now allow me to go on a rant about how terrible it is for ministers to abuse children.

            My objective is to make this point of excoriating clergymen, so I’ll invent a tie to this tragedy that could be plausible.

            See how easy it is to invent a rational to advance my prejudices. It works great for people already predisposed to hate priests and pastors. The fact that it is probably poppycock is irrelevant.

          • “The second and more complex tragedy is that Aiden or Audrey Hale, who felt he had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others, and by consequence, himself.”

            “We do not claim to know the individual or have access to their inner thoughts and feelings. We do know that life for transgender people is very difficult, and made more difficult in the preceding months by a virtual avalanche of anti-trans legislation, and public callouts by Right Wing personalities and political figures for nothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society,”

            excerpts of a statement made by the Trans Activist Network shortly after the shooting.

            These exaggerated claims of a TRANS GENOCIDE are calls to arms and could precipitate just such an attack as the Nashville shooting. But it is the current legislation that seeks to protect children from mutilation, and exploitation that is at the heart of the “avalanche” being seen.

  9. Hi Trey this is a really well written contribution…I’ve had all of this on my mind lately and sent over my own opinion to the editor earlier this week…I think you covered the real issues…wish the public could see the “Manifesto” and understand that our society is at a tipping point.

  10. Oh, I think we’re well past the point of asking them to leave our children alone. The radical neo-marxist gender identitarians have assumed the privilege of speaking directly to our children and shutting society – parents in particular – out of any role in guiding our children to happy, healthy, and stable lives as functional adults. Governments and Corporations are now employing propaganda to marginalize people who refuse to assent to an agenda of degenerate beliefs. The establishments of western civilization have retreated and are cowering from the spirit of the age. And the somnambulant public happily assumes they can stand on the sidelines of the war declared on them with no consequences as though the pendulum doesn’t swing to an equal and opposite extreme each and every time.

    This Faustian equilibrium we hold with radicals will have consequences. It’s time to push back.