Crying ‘wolf’ in F’ville will cost you as false alarm penalties go into effect


The Fayetteville Police Department’s new False Alarm Reduction Program began April 1 and registration will continue through May 1. The department wants to alert alarm system users about the registration to make it a seamless process.

Maj. Kevin Gooding said the False Alarm Program will track the locations of false alarms and fine those alarm users who allow repeated false alarms to occur at their home, business, or office.

“This will begin after alarm users have had ample opportunity to register their alarm system and to gain access to more information about false alarms and the new program,” Gooding said.

To learn more about the Fayetteville False Alarm Prevention Program visit

Gooding said those who have an existing alarm system must take the first step and register the alarm. Effective April 1, the Fayetteville False Alarm Ordinance requires that, “No alarm system shall be used unless the alarm user first registers for such alarm system,” Gooding added.

The program provides three ways to register an alarm system:

1) When you receive your water bill this month, complete the enclosed Alarm Registration Form and return it with your water bill payment.

2) Register your alarm system online by following these steps:

• Go to this link, then go to “New Alarm Users”.

• Enter the required information into the five tabs and then click “Submit Online Form”.

• Once the registration is a submitted your completed registration form will appear on the screen and you have successfully registered your alarm system.

3) Go to the Fayetteville Police Department at 760 Jimmie Mayfield Boulevard in Fayetteville and ask for an alarm registration form. You may complete the form and submit it to the police department.

Deadline for registration is May 1.

Those with questions are asked to call the Fayetteville False Alarm Reduction Program, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 855-694-8279.

The first false alarm during the permit year carries no charge. Penalties totaling $50 will apply with the second and third false alarm calls, $75 for the fourth call, $100 for the fifth call, $125 for the sixth, $150 for the seventh, $200 for the eighth, $250 for the ninth false alarm call and $300 for the 10th call during the permit year.

As approved by the City Council in March, the ordinance took effect April 1 and includes a 30-day grace period during which only warnings will be issued.

False alarms cause the unnecessary use of valuable police services in Fayetteville, Gooding said.

“The False Alarm Reduction Program is designed to educate those who use an alarm system to protect their property from intrusion or other criminal activity. Through education and accountability, alarm users are more likely to be responsible and limit the causes of false alarm activations,” Gooding said.