11 Coweta students finalists for Governors Honors


Eleven Coweta County high school students have been chosen as finalists for the 2012 Georgia Governor’s Honors program. The group will attend a six week instructional program this summer at Valdosta State University.

Coweta County School System spokesman Dean Jackson said the students are among 700 state-wide finalists who were chosen from over 2,400 nominees.

“The six week program held each year at Valdosta State University is designed to provide intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school students challenging and enriching educational opportunities not usually available during the regular school year,” said Jackson.

The 11 finalists announced March 23 include:

· Joshua Vorderlandwehr (The Central Educational Center/Northgate High School), attending in Architectural Design

· Alexa Carleo (East Coweta High School), attending in Communicative Arts

· Jordan Collis (East Coweta High School), attending in Spanish

· Alison Dees (East Coweta High School), attending on Theatre Performance

· Scarlett Holt (East Coweta High School), attending in Visual Arts

· Saeyum Lee (East Coweta High School), attending in Biology

· Nathan Hoffman (Northgate High School), attending in Social Studies

· Rees Horton (Northgate High School), attending in Communicative Arts

· John Woody (Northgate High School), attending in Music/Woodwinds (Flute)

· Melissa Wright (Northgate High School), attending in Communicative Arts

• Grant NeSmith (the Heritage School), attending in Communicative Arts    

Jackson said the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program (GHP) is a six-week summer residential instructional program for intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school students. Sophomores and juniors in public, private, and home schools are eligible to be nominated in one of 20 areas. Courses are designed to provide each participant with opportunities to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become independent, life-long learners.

During the six weeks of the program, students spend the mornings in their major area of nomination, exploring topics not usually found in the regular high school classroom. During the afternoons, students choose one of the other areas in which to study. The curriculum in all the areas is challenging and engaging. Evenings are filled with seminars, activities, concerts, and performances, Jackson said.

The Georgia Governor’s Honors Program is fully-funded by the Georgia General Assembly and operates at no cost to participants. The 2012 program will be held from June 24 to July 21.
Earlier this year the 46 Coweta County students nominated to the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program were honored at a breakfast held at the Central Educational Center in January. GHP Director Dale Lyles told the students were told that their nominations alone placed them well within the top of their classes and disciplines.

“Coweta County always has a good showing when it comes to Georgia Honor’s program attendance because of the quality of the student applicants,” Lyles said.