Security risks to Fayette school children on election days


In light of the horrific school shooting in Texas, I hope that the FCBOE district leadership and the Board of Education will consider either closing schools on election days or simply having the election folks find another place to set up.

On Election Day, I walked into an elementary school to vote. I went in a side door and walked past three classrooms that were full of children. There was no one checking IDs at the door and I did not see any evidence of security present. 

I am troubled by this whole concept of allowing literally anyone access to a school while children are present. I have two elementary children who attend school in Fayette County and I believe their safety could be in jeopardy if something is not done quickly. 

Luke Hearn, Ed.D.

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Well I hate for fear to be crowned victorious, But perhaps the simple solution here is to remove voting locations from schools and find other facilities such as the library in Peachtree city where I do my voting.

  2. You make a very valid and concerning point. Please pass this information on to the Toll-Free School Safety Hotline: 1-877-SAY-STOP

    More information is on regarding the use of this hotline.

    I have always voted at the Library and never considered how lax security measures are at schools that allow voting.