Rabid raccoon attacks dog in Fayetteville


Fayette County Animal Control Director Tracy Thompson reported to The Citizen that a racoon with rabies was found deceased on March 22, killed after fighting with a dog. Fortunately, the dog was vaccinated and only needed to be treated by a vet for his wounds.

According to Thompson the raccoon was picked up on Callaway Road in Fayetteville in the 30215 zip code. She especially emphasizes the need for pets in the area to be vaccinated for safety.

Legally, you can antivax your child, but not your dog. So all dogs in our coverage area should be vaccinated to avoid a fine. Thompson said that any vet does rabies vaccinations. “We do them on shelter dogs before they leave with an adopter. If an animal is picked up and reclaimed, we require proof of current rabies or the owner must take the animal to get a rabies shot within a week and send proof to avoid citation.”

County and city ordinances and state law requires all animals over three months of age be vaccinated against rabies yearly, specifically dogs, cats and ferrets.

In happier news, the Fayette County Animal Shelter is open again for adoptions daily, after clearing up an outbreak of Parvo. If you or your family would like to be a forever home for a dog or a cat from the Fayette County Animal Shelter visit 1131 Highway 74 South in Peachtree City. The shelter is open 11-5 on weekdays and 12-5 on weekends.