Great things can happen during revival


Have you ever thought about why a pigeon walks so awkwardly? In a devotional reading in Our Daily Bread, Martin De Haan shared a pigeon’s eyes cannot focus as it moves, so the bird actually has to bring its head to a complete stop between steps in order to focus. The pigeon proceeds clumsily – head forward, stop, head back.

In our spiritual life, we have the same need as the pigeon. It’s hard to focus when we stay on the go, so we need to build “stops” into our lives that help us refocus. That’s why many churches build a “revival” into their calendar. A revival gives us a break from the routine and an opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries. It’s an opportunity to “hit the pause button” and reassess, reorder priorities, and realign our lives to God’s agenda.

Revival is important, but revival must be more than dates on a church calendar. Having a “meeting” is one thing; witnessing true revival is quite another. What is the technical definition of “revival?”

C.E. Autry defined revival as “a reanimating of those who already possess life. Revival in the strict sense of the word has to do with God’s people. It revives spiritual life that is in a state of declension.”

Richard Owens Roberts describes revival as “an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.”

Stephen Olford wrote revival is that “strange and sovereign work of God in which He visits His own people, restoring, reanimating and releasing them into the fullness of His blessing.”

Malcolm McDow and Alvin Reid wrote, “Revival is God’s invasion into the lives of one or more of His people in order to awaken them spiritually for Kingdom ministry.”

How can we tell if revival takes place? According to William Sprague, revival is manifest “whenever you see (spiritual life) rising from a state of comparative depression to a tone of increased vigor and strength.”

When revival comes to an individual, it usually spills over to others and makes a difference in the life of the church family. Revival creates an atmosphere of unity and cooperation, and people focus on a common direction.

As the church family becomes renewed, excitement spills over to the entire community. As God touches lives, people observe individuals transformed by the power of God. The impactful power of God touching lives makes the difference.

Great things happen when God moves in revival. In 1932, a group of Charlotte businessmen grew deeply concerned about the moral and spiritual decay in their city. They felt that an all-out evangelistic effort would help, but the local ministerial association would not support it at that time.

They were disappointed, but still felt that God wanted them to do something, so they decided to have a day of prayer. Twenty-nine persons gathered on the outskirts of Charlotte and spent the day in prayer. Other prayer meetings followed in the months ahead. Out of this effort came a desire to sponsor an evangelistic meeting in their city.

The men purchased a tent and set up for preaching services. This effort was so encouraging the men decided to undertake a much larger crusade the following year. An evangelist named Mordecai Ham was invited to preach. The businessmen had a lot of difficulties to overcome, but they persisted, and finally the Charlotte Crusade came together in the fall of 1934.

In that meeting, a young boy named Billy Graham, along with many others, was converted. God touched a life and used that life to bring thousands of people to Christ over the next six decades.

God desires to touch your life. Are you open? Are you listening for His voice? Are you seeking God? Are you willing to take stock spiritually and align your life with God’s perfect plan for you? Are you ready for God to do a new work in your life? Are you preparing your heart for revival?

You never know what good can come out of revival.

[David L. Chancey, the Writing Pastor, lives in Fayetteville, Georgia, and enjoys preaching, writing, and spending time with family. He recently retired from his pastorate of over 24 years. Contact him at]