Retired naval officer Bobby Jones announces run for Fayette County Commission, District 2


I am tired of watching our county government disregarding the wants of its citizens by trying to flip our county from rural suburbia to something higher density like Decatur or Atlanta.

Additionally, I cannot stand watching local taxes escalate and wonder what I am getting for the additional funds they are demanding from me. I do see what they are taking away from me and my neighbors in Fayette County and I hear the protests from the citizens.

Fayette Commission District 2 candidate Bobby Jones
Fayette Commission District 2 candidate Bobby Jones

Instead of sitting there and taking it, I have decided to do something about it and chose to run for the Fayette County Board of Commissioners. My name is Bobby Rashad Jones, and I’m a proud resident of the county’s District 2 that includes my rural favorites Woolsey and Brooks as well as the southern portion of Peachtree City.

As a Fayette County native, I am deeply committed to our community and its future. I am estimating that most of my District 2 neighbors see a definite need for better governance and transparency. I cannot find anyone who thinks the county or the cities currently have a long-range vision or a desire to protect our quality of life.

I have been a resident of Fayette County since 1987, attending elementary and middle schools in Fayette County. I graduated high school from the Westminster Schools of Atlanta, and received an appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis.

After graduating from Annapolis in 2001, I dedicated 22 years to serving our country, culminating in command positions in the United States Navy during the Global War on Terrorism.

Now recently retired, I am pursuing my second master’s degree at the School for Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia, continuing my commitment to public service. My wife Lauren (also an Annapolis graduate) and I are proud members of the Leadership Georgia Class of 2023.

Being totally honest, Fayette County helped shape my outlook on life. In my youth, I learned the value of hard work, great customer service, and integrity working at the Chick-Fil-A at Banks Crossing.

I heard the call to serve my country by following the examples of the many veterans who live in our county.

Like most of you, my family loves living in Fayette County. Like many of you, we could have lived anywhere in the nation upon my retirement, but we wanted to come home to Fayette County. We love the Fayette lifestyle and do not want to see the radical changes that keep emerging like building thousands of units of dense multi-family complexes and eliminating our beautiful green spaces.

Here is what I stand for as a campaign pledge.

County commissioners must be accountable to the taxpayers. I have not seen accountability lately, and I hear more Fayette County citizens demanding proper oversight and transparency regarding their taxpayer dollars.

The issues surrounding the new $3.2 million Fayette County Animal Shelter are bewildering and highlight a lack of attention to detail. The commissioners shunned the constituents, did a shoddy job on designing the facility, and it could take $1 million to fix their poor planning. This is inexcusable.

Leadership is not just the authority to do things; it’s the responsibility to make sure those things are implemented properly. Contrary to the job description, the role of county commissioner is more than just showing up for a couple of meetings a month. You deserve rigorous scrutiny and the humility to seek help from the citizens and subject matter experts when necessary.

How many “surprises” have Fayette County residents had to experience as something controversial was approved in a meeting and the constituents knew nothing about it? The Board of Commissioners has almost no social media presence whatsoever.

At the very least, the county should notify residents living adjacent to possible rezonings and large development proposals by mail, stating what will be forthcoming for a vote of the commissioners. The citizens of our county should be notified of pending decisions with enough time to research what’s being debated before every board meeting.

The Fayette County Government YouTube channel has less than 50 subscribers. Vital information regarding Fayette County should be made much more accessible. My personal email will be available to the constituents. If you send me an email, I will reply back to you, not a county staff member. I will update Fayette County residents on a weekly basis.

What is the board of commissioners doing to maintain Fayette County’s rural suburban low-density environment? I ask this question to my neighbors, and no one seems to know. This dynamic is the backbone of the county’s culture and it’s the reason many of us have moved to and remained in Fayette County, but are the commissioners committed to protecting what we have?

My naval service took my family around the world. I can attest that Fayette County is unique with its low-density living and great schools so close to a major international airport and Atlanta.

I worry when Fayetteville and Peachtree City appear to be working apart from the county government. If there is no cooperation and no unified long-term vision, we will end up like the other metropolitan counties.

I love that Fayette County has the rural parts of the county with horses and cattle in their fields. I love that our children can play safely in our neighborhoods.

I am pro-Second Amendment and will protect that right in Fayette County.

I will not support high-density residential projects to prevent traffic congestion and school overcrowding. The existing residents always come first.

I will always treat your family the way I would like to see my family treated.

I have set up a website,, and I would appreciate any feedback you are willing to provide.

I would sincerely appreciate your vote as early voting approaches in September.

Bobby Jones

CDR USN, (Ret.)

Candidate, District 2

Fayette County, Ga.


  1. All the bells and whistles were checked, and he looked great, until my Red Flag went up. He didn’t mention party affiliation. And that’s because he is a Democrat. So, one must ask, why not mention that detail. A simple question. I hope there are good Democrats out there, there use to be, in a place long ago. Haven’t seen any in last forthy years.

  2. Not in your district, but like what you stand for. The future of ALL of Fayette county depends on those with a better outlook and future for the citizens and growth of ALL communities within the county.
    Best of luck!