McIntosh HS Foundation Celebrates Scholarship Winners at Honors Night


MHS Chiefs Foundation Board President, Lisa Fine, congratulates the Foundation’s two scholarship winners at Honors Night. Brayden Petras won the 2024 MHS Board of Directors Scholarship and Hyeonsu An won the 2024 Chick-Fil-A 2nd Mile Scholarship which was co-sponsored by the Foundation and Mike Holmes’ local Chick-Fil-A franchises.

The MHS Chiefs Foundation Inc was established in 2022 as a 501c3 public charity organization with the mission of complementing the endeavors of McIntosh High School (MHS) in developing, improving, supporting, promoting, and sustaining the enrichment and enhancement of educational opportunities and programs for all MHS students. The foundation awards scholarships for post-secondary studies to deserving students who embody traits including academic achievement, diligence, responsibility, sustained school and community involvement, selflessness, and a positive attitude. The Foundation additionally provides grants for school programs.