Area cyclists invited to the Ride of Silence


On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 7:00 PM, the 21st annual Ride of Silence will be held in Peachtree City and several hundred other locations, including 35 states and 8 countries.

All area bicyclists are invited to participate in this free event to honor cyclists who have been injured or killed while cycling. This event is organized and sponsored locally by the SouthSide Cycling Club.

The Ride of Silence, held during National Bike Month each May, aims to raise the awareness of motorists that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways.

Although cyclists have a legal right to share the road with motorists, drivers often are not aware of this, and sometimes not aware of the cyclists themselves. Under Georgia law, drivers must provide a minimum of 3 feet of clearance when passing a bicyclist.

Cyclists will also be reminded of their obligation to observe the rules of the road and cooperate with motorists.

The local Ride of Silence will begin at Peachtree City’s Braelinn Shopping Center (South Peachtree Parkway and Crosstown Road) in the parking lot to the front of the former K-Mart store.

During the event, cyclists will ride together in single file on a predetermined 10-mile route in a slow, silent procession to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways. All cyclists and all types of bicycles are welcome. Cyclists must wear a helmet.

Experienced cyclists will act as Safety Escorts to ensure a safe ride for all participants. All participants should be at the start location by 6:30 PM for pre-ride announcements, including special comments about the event.

The SouthSide Cycling Club was formed 25 years ago as Fayette Biking for Life to promote and advocate safety and road awareness for bicyclists and to encourage and engage persons in the sport of any type of bicycling.

Keith Larson is President of the SouthSide Cycling Club (678-525-7713,