Heads up, register kids for VBS N.O.W.


Every summer I write here in The Citizen about the blessings and benefits of VBS, Vacation Bible School. And I repeat that I believe you can’t do anything better for your kids than to have them attend a full week of VBS, fifteen hours of learning true Bible stories, making correlating crafts, and enjoying music, games, snacks, and fun.

I believe this. Most of the problems of our world would be vastly improved, if not eliminated, if every child from pre-school through at least 5th grade would grow up going to VBS every summer. I believe this with my whole heart.

But I recently came to the realization that if your family is going to fit VBS for your kids into your busy and condensed summer, then you parents and grandparents must act now to set your calendar to include this wonderful experience.

So, I’m asking you right now to find out the dates of VBS at your church or a church near you. If you are regularly attending your Sunday worship services, then those dates are probably already in the bulletin. If you’re not attending regularly right now, then go to your church’s website and find the dates there.

If you’re not a member of a church at this time, then find a church near you, Google it, and go to their website. Hopefully, the VBS dates are very visible on the front page, but you may have to click around a bit.

And don’t forget that it is still possible either to call the church office and speak with a live person, or even drive to the church and speak with someone face to face. Imagine that!

And here’s the good news. In our modern digital world, most churches’ websites will have a link to click and complete registrations for your kids right then and there. What a great example of using technology for the betterment of humankind.

For those of you in Fayette County, I know that many, if not most of the churches in our area will be providing an outstanding VBS. As I said, please act now to set your schedule and get your kids registered.

For those of you on the western edge of Peachtree City and over into Sharpsburg, Newnan, and Coweta County, you also have many good churches offering outstanding VBS. But for you, I have one particular recommendation. And that is Word of God Lutheran Church on Hwy. 34 just West of Sam’s and a bit East of Thomas Crossroads.

My wife and I will again be helping with their VBS, June 10-14, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. You will find the registration link on the church’s website www.woglutheran.org or you can go directly to https://vbsmate.com/events/WOGLUTHERAN/28434 as soon as today.

Pastor Jason and an exceptional staff of dedicated volunteers are ready to take good safe care of your kids and provide them with the absolute and traditional truth about God and Jesus that will stick with them the rest of their lives and on into eternity. Please feel welcomed.

I close with this. We purchased airline tickets recently. Of course, what message constantly bombarded us? “Only 3 left at this price.” This, obviously, is intended to make the buyer panic and click as soon as possible. Well, we can’t say that about any of the VBS opportunities at our area churches, “Only 3 places left at VBS.” No, but I still encourage you parents and grandparents to “act now.”

“But wait. There’s more.” Your kids’ lives may depend on it. Amen.

[Dr. Justin Kollmeyer, a thirty-seven year resident of Fayette County, is a retired Lutheran pastor. He offers his preaching and teaching pastoral ministry to any church or group seeking or needing a Christ centered, Biblically based, and traditionally grounded sermon or teaching. Reach him at justin.kollmeyer@gmail.com.]