Wrestling scholarship highlights positive character


On March 9, the McIntosh wrestling team had its annual dinner. It was well attended by wrestlers, their families and friends. I attended and had the pleasure of awarding the Judge Tarey B. Schell Memorial Scholarship to Brayden Petras, Captain of the team.

Judge Schell wrestled when he was a cadet at West Point and loved the sport. When he died, our family decided to parlay his love to benefit others. Hence this scholarship.

The scholarship is not based on athletic or academic successes. It is based on positive character. Brayden Petras, this year’s recipient, has excellent work and moral values in all he does. His participation in additional programs to improve his wrestling skills demonstrates his dedication to the sport and to his teammates. He is always willing and available to mentor younger wrestlers, a true mark of his character.

There were 11 girls and more than 11 boys who wrestled this year for Mcintosh. I credit this growth and interest to Nick Bellantoni, the coach, and to the Peachtree City Wrestling Club  (www.ptcwrestlingclub.com). The club was started in 11/2022 for 1st to 8th graders to introduce them to the sport of wrestling.

For years PTC has had leagues and sports programs for the younger population. Now we have one for wrestling. HOORAH!

Priscilla Schell

Peachtree City, Ga.