It’s called ‘skip-scanning’ and police charged 2 men with felonies for trying to shoplift at Walmart


The self-checkout aisles at Walmart have their proponents as well as their detractors. It appears that some of those who seem to like this option are people who want to sneak extra items into their bags without anyone being the wiser.

However, as police reports in Fayette County alone in recent months have shown, store security personnel and local law enforcement are doing something about it.

The most recent example in Peachtree City took place Dec. 1 at Walmart on Hwy. 54. Police were called when it was reported that two males had skip-scanned multiple items at checkout and were attempting to leave the store with all of their merchandise.

Both suspects — Jhon Rios, 45, of Fayetteville; and Carlos Sanchez, 34, of Elizabeth, N.J. — were arrested on felony shoplifting charges due to the amount of merchandise taken — more than $500 worth — and transported to Fayette County Jail.

Elsewhere in Peachtree City, a Dec. 1 traffic stop was made on a Toyota traveling southbound on Hwy. 74 near North Peachtree Parkway. The driver was confirmed to have an outstanding warrant for shoplifting and possession of methamphetamine. Aaron Garner, 32, was arrested on those charges.

The passenger in the car — Jordan Lytton, 37, of Peachtree City — was arrested for multiple outstanding warrants and for possession of fentanyl and alprazolam, according to police. The Fayette County Jail listed two felony drug charges and another felony charge for crossing the guardline with contraband and a probation/parole violation. Also listed were four traffic violations from the Fayetteville Police Department.

A vehicle was seen unlawfully displaying blue lights and pulled over in the wee hours of Dec. 2 near Hwy. 54 and Hwy. 74. When the driver stepped out of the vehicle at the officer’s request, he dropped a glass pipe used to smoke narcotics.

Kenneth Cogburn, 50, was arrested and taken to Fayette County Jail. It was later learned that he was also wanted out of Henry County for a probation violation.

Police received a call Dec. 2 that someone had fallen off a golf cart on Huntington Place. The field investigation determined that the driver in question as well as the person who made the call, driving a separate golf cart, were both under the influence of alcohol. Both suspects — Jacqueline Boeheim, 39; and Lisa Ensor, 48 — were arrested and taken to jail.

A parked car was spotted the morning of Dec. 3 in the area of TDK Boulevard and Lake McIntosh, and an officer discovered two people inside the vehicle committing a lewd act in violation of a city ordinance, according to the police report. Both offenders — Zoe Temples, 17; and Dominic Valladares, 18 — were cited at the scene and released.