Questions for Peachtree City Council candidates from The Citizen


As it has for the past 30 years, The Citizen is posing questions to Peachtree City Council candidates about their reasons for seeking political office and what their actual, specific positions will be should they be elected. We are emailing each of them this list of questions, and thought that you might like to see what’s being asked.

Post 1 candidates are Eric Imker, Laura Plauché Johnson and Tamara Moore.

Post 2 candidates are Suzanne Brown and Vic Painter.

The answers to this list of questions will be published at for voters to determine differences and similarities among candidates. Deadline for receipt of answers will be Thursday, Oct. 12. We will publish the answers we receive on Friday, Oct. 13. Early voting begins Monday, Oct. 16.

All five Peachtree City candidates are being asked the same questions, so please answer with details and specificity, rather than in sweeping strokes and broad (and usually worthless) generalities. There are no word limits on your answers, other than your sympathy for the reader.

1. What skill sets do you bring to the office?

2. Specifically, what differentiates you from your opponent(s)?

3. List the top three problems facing Peachtree City and define exactly what you will do to solve those three problems.

4. The council has three holdover members: Mayor Kim Learnard, and council members Frank Destadio and Clint Holland. Based on your knowledge of the council, who will you likely be voting with most often in split votes? Whose side will you take on the issues noted below?

5. What is your exact position on allowing new multi-story mixed-use developments to be built or reconstructed in Peachtree City?

6. Does your definition of redevelopment of existing village centers include new multi-family apartments, or townhouses, or condominiums? If yes, where?

7. Please name the village centers in Peachtree City and what you think should happen in each of those places.

8. The city is nearly built out within its current borders: the Industrial Park has no big tracts left to develop, and residential areas are at or near their zoned limits. What is your plan for what’s next?

9. Make your case for why you would support or oppose any annexations, and why citizens should welcome or oppose them.

10. Place yourself on the political spectrum with 10 being far right, 1 being far left and 5 being the exact center. Yes, the office is officially nonpartisan, but every official ever elected to office occupies a spot on that ideological spectrum, whether the official admits it or not. We want to know where you actually are on that spectrum.

11. What else would you like to tell the voters of Peachtree City?


  1. Not one question regarding whether a candidate supports or advocates for more fiscal responsibility within our local government? Or where they stand on taxes or the millage rate, etc.? Eh gad, the party has indeed lost its way to clichés and warped principles. Thanks for the reminder Cal.