2 Waffle House customers get frisky, police tell them to eat their eggs and grits somewhere else


Breakfast customers at a Peachtree City restaurant got some unwanted activity along with their food the morning of Sept. 23.

According to a police report, officers responded to the Waffle House on S. Hwy. 74 at approximately 7:45 a.m. after a call regarding two subjects “acting sexually inappropriate.” Both subjects were advised by police that the store management wanted them served for criminal trespass, and that was done. The subjects’ names were not released.

Elsewhere in Peachtree City, an officer responded to the City Circle area Sept. 23 in reference to a suspicious vehicle in the shopping center. A subsequent investigation revealed that the driver of the vehicle in question arrived to shoplift items from the store. Kendashus Harris, 29, of LaGrange was arrested and taken to Fayette County Jail.

Shortly after midnight Sept. 23, a Nissan Altima was spotted with a moving violation and a plastic bag being thrown out the front passenger-side window. At the ensuing traffic stop, the odor of marijuana was detected, and both the driver and passenger were detained for the investigation. Elafayette Stone, 25, and Justin Upshaw, 23, were both charged with marijuana possession. The discarded plastic bag was recovered by police, and marijuana was collected into evidence.

A silver Cadillac with a temporary tag was seen traveling north on Hwy. 74 at around 3 a.m. Sept. 23. The passenger-side tail light was not working, so a traffic stop was initiated. The tag on the car was revealed to be false, and the driver claimed it was given to her by the dealership. It was then discovered that she had a suspended driver’s license. Brittaney Terry, 29, of Decatur was arrested and taken to Fayette County Jail.

Another traffic stop about a half-hour later was conducted at Hwy. 74 and Peachtree Parkway due to a moving violation. It turned out that the driver of that vehicle had a license which was suspended 20 times over, according to the police report, and was also wanted in Fayette County for failure to appear. Christian Robinson, 31, of Atlanta was arrested and transported to the county jail.

Another driver with a suspended license was discovered in the wee hours of Sept. 24 at a Shakerag Hill traffic stop. This driver gave multiple false names and dates of birth to officers in an attempt to conceal the fact. Tanya Brown, 21, of Griffin as arrested and taken to Fayette County Jail while her car was removed by a wrecker service.

A hands-free violation proved to be a suspect’s downfall and earned him a trip to jail the afternoon of Sept. 24. During the traffic stop at Hwy. 54 and Willowbend Road, it was learned that he was wanted in Cobb County. Carl King, 41, of Byron was arrested on that warrant.

An officer on patrol in the area of Hwy. 54 and Hwy. 74 the morning of Sept. 25 saw a vehicle that was registered to someone with a suspended driver’s license. The driver was confirmed as such during the traffic stop and was arrested. The vehicle was ultimately towed and an inventory search uncovered a firearm and multiple illegal controlled substances. Olivia Almeida, 35, of Blairsville was taken to Fayette County Jail on the relevant charges.


  1. Wow…almost ALL traffic stops that lead to arrest are criminals from the METRO ATL area, not Fayette Co.
    Think about how bad things could get if we did not have the best overall law enforcement in Georgia.