Beginning Friday, Inman Farms Heritage Days bring the past alive

Nathan Mixon will be operating the Linkbelt dragline while Greg Thompson operates his 1940s Caterpillar dozer. Photo/Submitted.
Nathan Mixon will be operating the Linkbelt dragline while Greg Thompson operates his 1940s Caterpillar dozer. Photo/Submitted.

As the organizers and volunteers of the 26th annual Inman Farm Heritage Days make the final preparations for this year’s show on Sept. 15-17, they often are asked: “What’s new for this year?”

That question pops up every year, and this year the answer is that a new restroom has been constructed inside an old grain bin, which is a sight to see in itself.

And although much of the focus for years has been on farm tractors, this year a special emphasis is being placed on smaller, garden tractors and vintage lawn mowers.

For most folks on the Southside of Atlanta, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to old lawn mowers is the Snapper, which was made for years in nearby McDonough.

On display this year will be an array of Snappers, from some of the earliest ones made in the 1950s to the red rear-engine riders that for many residents were the first really good riding mower they ever owned.

There also will be other brands, and anyone with a vintage mower or garden tractors is encouraged to bring it to the show and participate in the display.

“We’ve seen other shows have success emphasizing the smaller tractors and mowers,” said show promoter Stephanie Minter Adamek, who grew up riding one of the red rear-engine riders. “But we also expect a large turnout of full-size tractors and equipment.”

Adamek also pointed out that there’s much more to Inman Farm Heritage Days than farm tractors and related equipment.

“One aspect of our show that is growing in popularity is our digging exhibit,” she said. “Nathan Mixon digs dirt with an old cable-operated dragline, and Greg Thompson pushes it around with his 1940’s Caterpillar D8 dozer.

“It’s quite a sight to see.”

The Jim and Sarah Minter Walking Trail, named for Adamek’s great-grandparents who once farmed the show site, is in its second year and carries visitors through the woods, across a creek and to the expanded Betsill Family Moonshine Exhibit.

And the old mainstays including the sawmill, grist mill, pea sheller, syrup cooking, blacksmith shop, printing press, machine shop, engine shop, planing mill and shingle mill will be up and running.

Organizers are working to have QR codes placed on exhibits that link to a YouTube video with information about that particular exhibit.

“That’s a work in progress,” Adamek said. “We plan to continue to upload videos to our Inman Farm Heritage Days YouTube channel so our followers can learn more about our efforts throughout the year.”

As always, admission is free but visitors are encouraged to purchase souvenir programs and t-shirts to help support the show, which runs Friday through Sunday afternoon at Minter’s Farm, 283 Hill’s Bridge Road, Fayetteville.

For more information visit Inman Farm Heritage Days on social media, check out or call 770-461-2840.