Andrew Mowatt, an expert on creating terrariums, will speak Tuesday, August 15, at 10 a.m. at the Fayette Master Gardener Association public meeting in Peachtree City. Mowatt, a gardening and ecology hobbyist and enthusiast, has created and restored a variety of terrariums, including handheld mossariums, 5-10 gallon ripariums, 20-40 gallon paludariums, to 50-gallon tropical vivariums.

The meeting will open with a social hour at 9:30 a.m. followed by the how-to presentation beginning at 10 a.m. at The Bridge Community Center, 225 Willow Bend Road, Peachtree City, GA. The public is invited to attend monthly meetings and events.

FMGA is a non-profit community organization of Master Gardeners and friends. Membership and programs are open to the general public. An annual spring public plant sale funds community horticulture grants and other educational programs.
For grant applications email [email protected]. The organization’s website is