Fayetteville City Council adopts 2023 Strategic Plan


The Mayor and City Council on July 20 approved the 2023 City of Fayetteville Strategic Plan, which will serve as a guide for the planning and development of the City for the next few years.

The 2023 document, which is available for viewing at www.fayetteville-ga.gov/strategic, is in many ways an update from the 2018 Strategic Plan. Both were developed through years of listening to the community and documenting the desires and priorities of the citizens.

“It is a very important document,” said City Manager Ray Gibson. “It is pretty thorough, and it outlines the projects we have all talked about. It will guide us over the next two to three years.”

Gibson noted that the 2023 Strategic Plan will be updated as necessary at each annual City Council Retreat.

“We have been working at this quite diligently over the last few years,” said Mayor Ed Johnson. “I think this is a cohesive document that clearly and concisely identifies what we are looking to use as a foundation.”

Here’s a sampling of the city’s strategic goals:

Quality Of Life Goals

Goal 1. Develop A Sense Of Place In Our Downtown And Within The Other Activity Centers Throughout The City

• Action: Implement the goals and action items of the Comprehensive Plan, Livable Centers Initiative (LCI), and Downtown Charrette

• Action: Develop and implement a recreation/parks master plan

• Action: Develop and implement a cultural arts strategy

• Action: Stimulate a variety of development that meets the needs of the community

Goal 2. Increase Pedestrian Connectivity Throughout The City

• Action: Update the City’s Multi-Use Trail Study and conduct specific trail studies

• Action: Design and construct multi-use trails throughout the City

Goal 3. Provide A Range Of Housing Options

• Action: Develop and implement a revitalization plan for Church Street and Sugar Hill Communities

• Action: Promote a diversity of housing options

Maintain & Enhance Infrastructure Goals

Goal 1. Invest In The Study, Design, And Construction Of New Infrastructure

• Action: Design, Engineer, And construct the downtown street network to include the expansion of City Center Parkway

• Action: Design and construct the West Fayetteville Business Park sewer line

Goal 2. Improve And Enhance Existing Infrastructure

• Action: Make the necessary improvements or upgrades to the stormwater system based on the 2022 ISE Study

• Action: Make the necessary improvements to the City’s water and sewer lines as requested by Clear Water Solutions