Starr’s Mill Graduate, Civil Air Patrol Cadet Parker Hill Promoted and Honored


On Saturday, June 17, preceding his entry to Army basic training, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Cadet Second Lieutenant Parker Hill was promoted to Flight Officer and honored for his achievements by receiving the retired United States flag that flew at the Griffin Squadron Building.

Flight Officer (FO) Hill had a distinguished cadet (ages 12-18) career at the Griffin Composite Squadron since joining in 2019. In Dec. 2022 he earned the Billy Mitchell Award. The Mitchell Award is a significant achievement in CAP.  Only 15 percent of CAP Cadets earn the Mitchell Award. In recognition of this achievement, CAP cadets can enter military service at the advanced rank of E-3 instead of E-1.

His other CAP achievements include National EMT certification, Emergency Services NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer), Squadron First Sergeant, Cadet Advisory Council member and special ground team search and rescue (Dirt Dog). In special recognition of his achievements, he was presented with the United States flag that flew at the Griffin Squadron building during his time as a member in CAP.

FO Hill has chosen Airborne Ranger as his Army career.  He left for basic training at Ft. Moore, Ga, on Monday, June 19.

Hill, the son of John and Kristie Hill, is a 2023 graduate of Starr’s Mill High School, Fayetteville, GA.