Suzanne Brown: Announcing my candidacy for Peachtree City Council


Two and a half years ago I began attending Peachtree City Council, Peachtree City Planning Commission, Fayette County Board of Education and Fayette County Board of Elections meetings. I learned a lot, some good and some bad.

I quickly began speaking about issues of concern at meetings during the Public Comments and when Public Hearings were conducted. As I found my voice, did legal research and spoke to friends and associates. I honed in on what is most important to me.

Like most people, my house is my biggest investment. Both of my children, my three grandchildren and I all live in Peachtree City. My desire to have the Peachtree City Council to take every action to preserve the beauty and tranquility of Peachtree City made me decide to run for Peachtree City Council Post 2.

I filed my paperwork and am working to officially launch my campaign. I do not want the radical change the mayor and the real estate developers are pushing on us.

Before everyone darts out of town at the end of the school year, I want to remind you of the upcoming November election.

I hope to see you at City Council meetings, the Farmer’s Market, at various events at Drake Field and elsewhere, as well as at the Fantastic 4th of July Parade – I’ll be in the Parade as a Candidate.

Here are some of my important priorities, I want to work diligently to do the following:

• Rollback the millage rate for Peachtree City property taxes. Assessed values went up an average of 15-20% last year and another 5-10% this year. Tax bills are exploding when inflation and the economy are making life difficult. Peachtree City has adequate cash reserves and can afford to roll back the millage rate to offset the increased assessed values.

• Take steps to control the “urbanization” of Peachtree City. We do not need apartments, condos, townhouses, “mixed-use” or any residential development or re-development especially inside our Village Centers. Do you really want them to build apartments in our Village Centers when we have vacancies in every apartment complex in town. We don’t need Atlanta telling us what to do and what to build. We know what’s best for us.

• Council needs to approve a Cost Feasibility Study for Peachtree City to conduct their own Municipal elections using: enumerated, hand marked, currency grade security paper that is hand counted. This may cost a little to make the transition but will save close to $80,000 for each Municipal election with a run-off.

• Return the Comprehensive Plan back to its previous form without the ability to build apartment complexes all over the city. I don’t believe the plan approved in 2022 accurately reflects the opinions of the majority of citizens

• Preserve every parcel of General Industrial land in the city. Some prior councils rezoned huge tracts of Industrial land for Residential construction to the detriment of job growth due to fewer local industries, traffic due to more cars and our tax base because productive industries generate tax revenues that surpass residential property tax revenues. Think about all of that while you sit at the 74/54 traffic light for three rotations of the light.

• Preserve every acre of green-space we have and continue to identify more. I grew up in a very rural location. That’s why Peachtree City appealed to me. I do not want our beautiful city to lose any of the current green-space. When any green-space is needed for any other reason then we need to set aside more to replace it.

• I would also like to see changes to our Ordinances and Codes so that no one doing housing development is ever allowed to “clear cut” an entire property. When they clear cut the Governor’s Square development it made me sick to my stomach to see the senseless devastation they did. Replanting a tree or two pales in comparison to the virgin forest they destroyed. Earlier developers took much more care in carving out just the space needed for residential construction, streets and utilities. When did we stop mandating that?

• We need a design to improve the Highway 54/74 intersection that actually works. The City Council has accepted a Band-Aid proposal.

• We need to reverse the trend of the City Council continuously acting to squelch public participation in local government.

• I hope this gives you an idea of my priorities. I want to be a true voice for the people.

• I retired after working for 21 years in the Federal Prison System. I support our police and was glad to see the current council approve pay raises to help us retain our officers.

• The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights are the greatest documents ever written to establish a republic. We must follow them and protect them to preserve our republic.

• I view myself as a “conservative activist”

I am not afraid or ashamed to tell you I am a Christian.

I have always believed in working hard for what you want.

I have a BS Degree from Cornell and a MS Degree from Colorado State.

Most of us did not move to Peachtree City for radical change in development patterns.

I’m asking for your vote and your support.

And I’d love to have your help spreading the word about my candidacy and platform.

If you’d like to host a social at your house to let me meet you, your friends, and neighbors, let me know, I’d love to visit.

I will be launching a Facebook page: SueBrown4PTC in the near future.

My candidate email address is:

Suzanne Brown, candidate for Peachtree City Council Post 2

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. I know Ms. Brown personally and I can think of no better candidate for this city council post than she is. Ms. Brown will work hard for all Peachtree City citizens. Her integrity, loyalty and dedication are above reproach, and you will see that in action when she gets elected! I challenge all critics with negative comments to come forward with good, viable solutions that you can suggest to the City Council, instead of becoming the pot calling the kettle black!

  2. Her failed “pizza lawsuit” cost PTC taxpayers over $4000. And her crusade to allow backyard chickens… well, she’s new, very new, to PTC and given all the angry complaints she has about our little town seem to reveal she’s very unhappy here.

  3. It looks like this Ivy Leaguer is running on the platform of Make Peachtree City Great Again. That should play well to the majority of PTC residents.

    I’m wondering if Ms. Brown might enlighten us on a design of Highways 74/54 that will actually work. She presented this as a goal with no specifics. Anyone who can advance an intelligent strategy to remedy this chronic problem deserves a position on the City Council.

      • There’s a solution – a North bypass. From 54 E – route the bypass on Tyrone Road, up to Dogwood Trail, across Senoia Road and into Coweta, tying into Minix and dropping traffic off by Sams/Costco. Extend Minix onto Palmetto/Tyrone Road and add an I-85 interchange. Done.