Huddleston family makes school great


It takes a big team of Hounds to make Huddleston Elementary as great as it can be, and they are always looking out for each other. Lorene Watson, a bus driver for Fayette County Public Schools, saw Principal Josh Noland hard at work for the school and wanted to give him a special shout out.

Watson was leaving the school one day when she saw someone blowing leaves in the front parking lot. It caught her eye that the person was wearing suit pants, shirt, and tie, then she realized it was Principal Noland. He was making sure the walkway was clear of leaves so that the lines were visible before students were released for the day.

Watson, whose three sons all attended Huddleston, holds a special place in her heart for the school, and she thinks the world of the Huddleston staff and teachers.

“I wanted others to see the man that demonstrates such leadership and dedication to providing safety-first attention to everyone,” said Watson. “I know there are many others, but you can see the pure joy Mr. Noland has for being a part of everyone he encounters.”