Whitewater performs at Bands of America


The Whitewater High Wildcat Band traveled this past weekend to Johnson City, Tennessee to compete at the Bands of America Regional held at East Tennessee State University. This marks the second time the band has competed at a Bands of America Regional, the pinnacle of high school marching band competitions in the USA.

The Wildcat Band represented their program, school, and community with pride and excellence. In prelims they placed 2nd in Class AA out of 12 schools and 3rd overall out of 20 schools from 9 different states. The Wildcat Band was the highest scoring group from Georgia and placed 6th overall in finals competition.

The Wildcat Band is led by drum majors Kellan Frenelle and Taylor Jackson, along with Director Chad Reynolds and assistant director Alex Swindle.

The Wildcat Band’s final competitive performance of the season is set for the LaFayette Marching Classic at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 29 at Fayette County High.