Fayette’s 2022 graduation rate 7th highest in state, 3rd in metro


Fayette’s graduation rate remains among the best in Georgia. The 2022 four-year high school graduation rate for Fayette County Public Schools is 89.81, topping the state’s graduation rate of 84.1.

The school system’s graduation rate increased slightly, up from 89.7 in 2021.

The school system has the seventh highest graduation rate in the state compared to other school systems with a graduating class of 1,000 or more students, and has the third highest rate out of all metro Atlanta school systems.

Starr’s Mill High led the county with a graduation rate of 95.9, followed by Whitewater with 95.3, McIntosh with 92.9, Fayette County High with 81.7, and Sandy Creek with 81.7.

Those numbers represent an increase over 2021 for three out of five schools. McIntosh jumped from 90.6, Starr’s Mill is up from 94.3, and Whitewater improved from 94.1.

Georgia’s high-school graduation rate increased in 2022, rising to 84.1% – an all-time high since the state began using the adjusted cohort calculation now required by federal law, and up from 83.7% in 2021. Georgia’s graduation rate has increased by 14.4 percentage points since 2012.

“Teachers and students who persevered through the challenges of the last several years deserve credit for Georgia’s graduation rate increasing and other recent positive indicators, like Georgia students beating the SAT national average once again,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “I commend Georgia’s educators and the class of 2022, and am confident we will continue to see improvements as we expand opportunities for students and invest in the academic recovery of our state.”

Georgia calculates a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate as required by federal law. This rate is the number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma, divided by the number of students who form the adjusted cohort for the graduating class. — Provided by the Fayette County School System.


  1. It would be nice to see stats also on college/vocational rates. What percentage went on to college/vocational school. It appears nowadays that kids are passed up even if they haven’t successfully accomplished requirements. Might give us a better picture of Fayette schools success. As for taxes the machine must be fed. Once they raise them they will find a myriad of excuses why they need more and why they must continue to raise them. Notice during covid no one in government lost their jobs.

  2. Congratulations to our teachers and students for being among the leaders in he state for adjusted graduation rates. Perhaps I’m greedy, but I’d like to see those rates rise even further, especially for Fayette County High and Sandy Creek High. I hope all the parents of our scholars will promote academic excellence and persistence as an early life lesson for their children.

  3. Costs, in any avenue of life, are unlikely to ever decrease. A vacillation can be expected here or there in gas or utility prices due to supply and demand, home price/values/sales will be subject to the volatility of the cost of mortgage money, and the interest one pays on credit card/unsecured debt may bounce about as the Fed adjusts the Prime Rate, but, bottom line, everything that goes up does not come down. I have no issue with my taxes here in Fayette County. On the contrary, housing and taxes here are a bargain compared to other areas of the country. I own a second out-of-state home, a 900 sq foot condo for which I pay about $8K a year in property taxes. We residents of Fayette County are earning an exceptional ROI, particularly when we recognize the achievements of our school district.