Inman Elem. class saves Sam

The Inman Elementary 3rd grade class of Emily Burns teamed up to use their STEAM knowledge and save Sam the gummy worm.  

Sam got saved with a little help from his new friends at Inman Elementary. The 3rd grade class of Emily Burns teamed up to use their STEAM knowledge and save Sam the gummy worm.

The class was told Sam was in a rowboat that had capsized. Students were sorted into teams, given the same amount of supplies, and a time limit, and they had to make a plan on how to save him and fix his boat. The trick was they could not use their hands, only paperclips. When their plan was complete, they had to put their collective thoughts into action.

Burns was proud to see her class learn to communicate with each other and work as a team.

“The laughter was contagious,” she said. “My hope is that they continue using the skills they learned from this lesson throughout the school year.”