Young authors excel at writing competition


Local writers are moving their way up in the Young Georgia Authors (YGA) Writing Competition after winning for their grade level within Fayette County Public Schools.

The kindergarten winner was Nash Killingsworth (“The Lizard,” Peeples Elem.), the 1st grade winner was Ella Carter (“Blowpipe Wrappers,” Inman Elem.), the 2nd grade winner was Nyla Rae Watson (“Dear Judge,” Burch Elem.), the 3rd grade winner was Claire Vansickle (“The Mysterious Creatures,” Minter Elem.), the 4th grade winner was Sofia Caldwell (“The Defeat of Mr. Boredom,” Braelinn Elem.), and the 5th grade winner was Catherine Feygin (“They Forest,” Kedron Elem.).

By winning for their grade level at the school district level, the victors will represent Fayette County at the Griffin RESA regional competition.

Unlike many writing competitions, YGA does not provide a prompt to which students must respond or provide any other boundaries to their genre choice or creativity beyond a 1900-word maximum length. Entries may include short stories, poetry, essays, personal narratives, journalism, or any other original student writing.

The purpose of the Young Georgia Authors (YGA) writing competition is to encourage students to develop enthusiasm for and expertise in their writing, to provide a context to celebrate their writing successes, and to recognize student achievement in arts and academics.

The competition is open to any student in grades K-12 currently enrolled in Georgia public schools.

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.