Update from mayoral candidate Kim Learnard


I have an engineer’s mind. I am grounded, rational and reasonable. I like to be outdoors, I like motion and activity, I am a lifelong runner. Running has led me to new experiences and wonderful places. It was through running that I found Peachtree City.

I ran the now-famous Peachtree City Classic here in 1998. Telling Rob about Peachtree City when I returned home led us to a weekend trip to Fayette County, followed by a decision that this community was where we wanted to raise our young family. We found a house we liked on Loblolly Circle and have lived a full Peachtree City kind of lifestyle for the last 22 years. I never had a hometown. But my children do.

Being an active participant in a community means developing relationships with neighbors, volunteering, building friendships through work and community involvements, sharing ideas. For me, this also meant serving my community as an elected city council member. I served to the best of my ability for the maximum eight-year term and grew a lot through the experiences that serving on city council brings.

By nature, I am a moderate. I believe the “middle of the road” matters and puts me in a position to be thoughtful and intelligent in my thinking. I am a problem solver, a doer, and a person who values and is able to bring people of different perspectives and viewpoints to the table to find solutions together.

I respect that municipal government elections are nonpartisan races, which I view as essential for a city government to run efficiently; I have disliked being coaxed into declaring my political party.

As responsible voters, what you need to know about me is that I love the Peachtree City community and desire to serve every resident, not just members of one political party or another.

Regarding my campaign, I am a practical candidate who views donations as evidence that people believe in me, support me and are rooting for me to win. I am grateful to all of you and I pledge to serve the community to the best of my ability.

More recently, I have been overwhelmed and honored by the number of people who have asked for yard signs and donated to my campaign since the November 2 mayoral election runoff was announced. It has been both motivating and humbling to receive such an outpouring of support. Thank you.

To my supporters, we are in this race together and it is going to be a tough one. I need you to go to the polls during either the upcoming early voting dates (Nov. 20, Nov. 22, 23, 24) or on Runoff Election Day November 30, and vote Learnard.

You have a choice between two very different mayoral candidates, who will lead in very different styles, who are motivated by very different factors. I will work diligently to support a productive and effective city council as I do not believe in being an “island unto oneself.”

While my opponent has taken low campaign shots and already “spun” his positioning, I have not engaged in this style of campaigning, for I believe the community is tired of contentious campaigning and is far more interested in what a candidate is likely to do in office.

The public has seen me at dozens of community events, met me through dozens of neighborhood meet and greets, seen me sitting at coffee shops chatting with residents and being actively visible to the community, always accessible and answering questions about my mayoral plans.

Be assured that is the type of mayor I will be for you, every day, accountable to you and working hard to help make Peachtree City the best possible community for all of us.

Runoff voting begins soon and your vote counts. Please make time during this busy holiday season to vote Learnard.

Kim Learnard, Candidate for Mayor


Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. A word of advice, Kim… less is more. I know I’m speaking out of turn, but i believe people are tired of mud-slinging. If you focus on your positives that will go a lot further than the negatives of your opponent.