Fayette schools have 639 fewer students this year; system teachers to get Covid shots at FCHS


Fayette School System enrollment is 639 students down across all schools compared to one year ago, according to preliminary documents for the Board of Education workshop set for 2 p.m., March 8, at the board meeting room, 205 LaFayette Ave., Fayetteville. Total system enrollment — in-person and virtual — is 12 students short of 20,000.

Also, important dates for local teachers are March 11 and April 1. Plans have been set for Fayette schools staff to begin receiving Covid-19 vaccinations on Thursday, March 11 for the first dose. Second dose will be given Thursday, April 1, the pre-meeting document says. Fayette County High School will host both vaccination days.

Figures from pre-meeting documents show elementary schools enrollment 433 students fewer on Feb. 22 than at the same time last year. Middle schools numbers have dropped 69 and high schools 72 from the same time last year.

Virtual students didn’t exist for the local public schools last year, but even in that category numbers dropped 65 students from January to February this year.

Still, virtual numbers are still significant: 1,785 in remote learning classes for elementary schools, 1,227 for middle schools and 1,695 for high school.

The school with the biggest student loss at the elementary level is Crabapple Elementary with 80 fewer students than a year ago; at the middle school level, Flat Rock and Booth Middle with 40 and 39 fewer students respectively; and at the high school level, Whitewater High with 78 fewer students than one year ago, according to the pre-meeting document.

Total enrollment for the system for in-person classes and virtual learning students is 19,988 students as of Feb. 22, the system document says.

The school board meeting Monday at 2 p.m. is open to the public, but masks are required and social distancing will be observed.