Preventing unintended residential density is the purpose of two proposed changes to zoning rules likely to be approved Thursday night by the Peachtree City Council.
Plus, the City’s Planning Commission will be saying goodbye to all public hearings and changing to less formal public workshops to allow more input from residents, particularly on rezoning issues.
In the same meeting, the city is buying a custom-built firetruck for nearly $650,000, which is a pretty good price and already in the city budget, according to the city’s fire chief, Joe O’Conor. More on that below.
Also on the agenda, getting the city off the liability hook for events allowing alcoholic drinks at city-owned facilities and removing the rule that the city has to re-apply to itself every year to approve sites already owned by the city, plus hearing an appeal of a denial of some sign permits because the signs exceed city height and type restrictions.
The changes to the General Residential (GR) zoning ordinance reduce maximum density from 25 attached dwelling units per acre to 12 units per acre. Why? “City Council has directed staff to reduce the density to be more in line with existing development patterns in the city,” according to the information packet from City Hall.
The Limited Use Commercial (LUC) district currently allows apartment or townhouse dwelling units by referencing the GR limits. “The proposed text amendment reduces the maximum density to 20 dwelling units per acre, but only if at least 50% of the building’s ground-level contains commercial or office uses. The purpose of the LUC text amendments is to encourage mixed-use development and to locate higher-density housing within a Village Center, where non-residential uses are encouraged,” the city information packet says.
And about that $649,984.57 new fire truck. Have some patience. Turns out that most firetrucks are custom-made to order. You can’t just go to a firetruck sales lot one day and drive off in a new engine within a day or two. The “Heavy Duty Custom Pumper from Sutphen, Inc. of Dublin, Ohio” will be constructed from the chassis up and ready for delivery between 390 to 480 days from receipt of order.
Here’s the official agenda:
City Council of Peachtree City Regular Meeting Agenda February 18, 2021
6:30 p.m.
•Call to Order
•Pledge of Allegiance
Ill. Announcements, Awards, Special Recognition
•Public Comment
•Agenda Changes
February 2, 2021 — Workshop Minutes February 4, 2021 — Regular Meeting Minutes
•Consent Agenda
•Proposed Amendment to Sec. 6-51-Permitted Location for Special Events at which Alcoholic Beverages are Served or Sold
•Old Agenda Items
•New Agenda Items
•Purchase of Custom Rescue Engine (O’Conor)
•Appeal by Principle Outdoors, LLC Regarding the Denial of Sign Permits (Cailloux/Meeker)
•Public Hearing — Text Amendment to the GR, General Residential, Zoning District (Cailloux)
•Public Hearing — Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Article XIII, Amendments (Cailloux)
•Council/Staff Topics
•2021 Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results
•Executive Session