Fayette counts 33 new Covid cases, 1 more fatality Saturday


Fayette County’s rate of new Covid infections — measured in 2-week increments — has fallen back below 1 in 10 to 9.8% as of Feb. 13, according to the daily report from the Georgia Department of Public Health.

Fayette recorded 527 new cases in the past 2 weeks, 33 of which were reported Saturday, Feb. 13. That brings the county total of new cases to 5,645.

One additional Covid-caused fatality also was reported Saturday: a white male, age 76, with no additonal underlying medical conditions. That brings the county death toll to 115 since last March, a death rate of 2.04%. (For the complete list of Fayette’s Covid fatalities, click here.)

In addition, DPH is reporting that 11 more deaths in Fayette are listed as “probable” Covid-related.

The state tally was 2,793 new cases across Georgia on Saturday, for a total of 789,070. State deaths increased by 105 to a total of 13,961. That follows a state record day on Feb. 12 of 184 fatalities, which sets a new high for 1 day. The previous single-day record of deaths was 170 reported on Jan. 19, 2021.

The tally of Covid-19 patients being treated Saturday in hospital beds around the state was 3,026, or 18.7% of all hospital beds in the state (see main chart above). That’s 2,691 fewer hospitalized Covid patients than the pandemic high of 5,717 exactly one month ago on Jan. 13.

Charts below show the 7-day moving average (the yellow line on the graphs) for Fayette County and for the state of Georgia. The third chart shows daily usage of intensive care hospital beds around Georgia, currently at 2,634 beds occupied, or 84.9% of the total ICU beds available. The ICU beds represent patients with illnesses and trauma of all kinds, not just Covid.