Fayetteville approves adult day care facility on North Jeff Davis Drive

Members of the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission at the Oct. 27 meeting included, from left, commissioners Ken Collins, Toby Spencer and Brett Nolan, Chairman Sarah Murphy, and commissioners Debi Renfroe and David Hilderbrandt. Photo/Ben Nelms.
Members of the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission at the Oct. 27 meeting included, from left, commissioners Ken Collins, Toby Spencer and Brett Nolan, Chairman Sarah Murphy, and commissioners Debi Renfroe and David Hilderbrandt. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The site of a former medical office on North Jeff Davis Drive was approved by the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission on Oct. 27 for use as an adult day care facility.

The Community Commercial-zoned property required a special exception for use as a state-certified adult care center facility.

After the discussion, commissioners on a 4-1 vote approved the request with several conditions. Commissioner Toby Spencer was the lone opposing vote.

The subject property is situated on 2.16 acres with a 5,039 square foot commercial building. The building was previously used as a medical facility, the staff report said.

There is single-family residential zoning abutting the subject site to the east, northeast and south, office property to the north and educational and medical facilities to the west, staff said.

It was noted during the discussion, and in reference to traffic that would result from having up to 50 clients onsite, that a significant number of the clients would be transported by a transportation service. It was also noted that, while previously serving as a medical office, patients were entering and leaving the site throughout the day.

The approval came with several conditions. Among those were the requirements to operate Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., right-in and right-out traffic onto the site, a maximum of 50 clients served, the installation of a 4-foot opaque fence in recreation areas, protected drop-off and pick-up points and a sign-off by the police department relating to traffic concerns.