Diverse Trump supporters rally in Fayetteville

"Georgia Gang" member Janelle King was among the numerous speakers at the All-American Rally for Trump held Aug. 1 in Fayetteville. Photo/Ben Nelms.
<b>Loganville talk show host Lucretia Hughes Klucken was one of the many speakers Aug. 1 at the All-American Rally for Trump at the Fayette County GOP Event Center in Fayetteville. Photo/Ben Nelms.</b>
Loganville talk show host Lucretia Hughes Klucken was one of the many speakers Aug. 1 at the All-American Rally for Trump at the Fayette County GOP Event Center in Fayetteville. Photo/Ben Nelms.

There is nothing quite like a hot summer afternoon for a political rally. That is what Saturday held in Fayetteville at the local GOP headquarters when 300 people turned out for All-American rally for Trump, along with a “Back the Blue” tribute supporting law enforcement.

The Aug. 1 event was festive, with 2020 campaign gear vendor booths, food, homemade ice cream and live music, and with some arriving on the Trump bus.

The event was filled with speakers, such as state Sen. Marty Harbin and state Rep. Josh Bonner, representing Veterans for Trump.

They were joined by others, such as “Georgia Gang” member Janelle King representing Blacks for Trump, Byron minister Vivian Childs representing Evangelicals for Trump, Lamar County Commissioner Nancy Thrash representing Women for Trump, local resident Pilly Oddo representing Latinos for Trump, 13th Congressional district (north Fayette) candidate Becky Hites and Garrison Douglas representing Black Voices for Trump.

The rally included a Back the Blue tribute in support of law enforcement. Speaking during the tribute were Sheriff Barry Babb and Fayetteville Police Chief Scott Gray.

Former Fayette County school board member Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao also read a GOP resolution supporting law enforcement efforts.

Loganville talk show host Lucretia Hughes Klucken took the stage at the end of the rally, emphatically stating what was essentially a four-word message: God, family, country, Trump.

“They want us to stay shut-in and divide us, and not pay attention to an invisible enemy,” Hughes said, the animation and passion in her voice unmistakable, to which the crowd responded.

As is often the case with summertime outdoor events, the 3-hour rally came with essentially cloudless skies and a hot sun beating down overhead. The crowd made it clear that the heat could not deter their excitement.

<b>A portion of the 300 people attending the All-American Rally for Trump on Aug. 1 in Fayetteville took time out with the Trump bus at the Fayette County GOP Event Center. Photo/Ben Nelms.</b>
A portion of the 300 people attending the All-American Rally for Trump on Aug. 1 in Fayetteville took time out with the Trump bus at the Fayette County GOP Event Center. Photo/Ben Nelms.


  1. I couldn’t find any other news outlet you sent this reminder to. Surely, you meant to include the marchers, rioters, looters in the metro area? Or it’s only an issue if it relates to the Republican Party?

  2. Somewhere I recall reading, “In consultation with the Governor’s Coronavirus Task Force and health and emergency preparedness officials, I (Governor Kemp) have determined that the following actions are necessary and appropriate to protect the strength of Georgia’s economy and provide for the health, safety, and welfare of Georgia’s residents and visitors …”

    Further, “It is so ordered that all residents and visitors of the State of Georgia shall practice Social Distancing as defined herein and refrain from Gatherings as defined herein.”

    Further, “It is so ordered that all residents and visitors of the State of Georgia are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings as practicable while outside their homes or place of residence …”

    Yep, responsible leadership abounds here locally and statewide.