American Legion Post 50 of Peachtree City held its induction of new officers at the Veterans Memorial on the 4th of July. This ceremony was accomplished in front the City Hall area in the parking lot. Masks, hand sanitizers, and social distancing were maintained.
Post members thanked the outgoing Post Commander Leigh Blood and welcomed in new Commander Mark Gelhardt.
Gelhardt provided a speech giving his commander guidance for this upcoming American Legion year (July 2020 – June 2021)
“I want to set the Commanders Guidance for this coming year,” Gelhardt said.
“Fellowship – I believe fellowship with like-minded military members is one of our primary reason for being a post. We will continue pot luck dinners and drinks during our post meetings. We will invite family and friends to the events or activities we have scheduled as a post. We will help increase the numbers within our POST Auxiliary as fellowship should include our spouses.
“Educate the public – Public relations is one of our primary missions. This is how we get our word out, Facebook, the web, news articles, information in the PTC newsletter, etc. We will greatly increase our presence within our community. This is my personal number one goal for our post.
“Veteran support – The American Legion was funded on helping each of our veteran brothers and sisters – we will do this every time we can and have the skills and resources to do so.
“Membership – I do not see membership as our number one priority but it is important and we will TRY to not only make 100% of renewal – but continue to grow. Our job is not to meet a number, but to gain members that want to be involved with our outstanding organization. We will call old members, we will recruit new members, but this is NOT the reason our club is here.
“Leadership starts at the top, as the new commander I am setting my priorities and guidance. I am open to discussion, input and suggestions to update or change the Post priorities – remember it is our post, but here is a starting point for that discussion,” Gelhardt concluded.
The new officers for post 50 are Commander Mark Gelhardt; Sr. Vice Commander Mark Weaver; Jr. Vice Commander (Fund Raising) Wayne Leicher; Jr. Vice Commander (Prgm/Ent) Jeff Felmet; Jr. Vice Commander (Boys State/Oratorical) Gary Munson; Finance Officer Pat Kelly; Adjutant Jim Young; Service Officer Lee Norman; Chaplain Kelly Dickinson; Historian Kwayne Fowler; Judge Advocate Bryan Felmet; Sgt-at-arms Ed Pilszak.
The Board Of Directors are: (3-year terms, 2019-2022) Julian Velasquez and Arnie Geiger; and Martin Crane (2020-2023); Past Commander Leigh Blood.