American Legion Post 105 celebrates July 4 in Fayetteville

Patriotism was alive and well in Fayetteville on July 4, as members of Fayette County American Legion Post 105 lined South Glynn Street in front of the Log Cabin, waving flags and being recognized by the many motorists honking their horns in support. Photo/Ben Nelms.
Patriotism was alive and well in Fayetteville on July 4, as members of Fayette County American Legion Post 105 lined South Glynn Street in front of the Log Cabin, waving flags and being recognized by the many motorists honking their horns in support. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The Spirit of ’76 was clearly evident in downtown Fayetteville on July 4, courtesy of the members of Fayette County American Legion Post 105.

American Legion members from 11 a.m. until noon gathered in front of the Log Cabin on South Glynn Street in downtown Fayetteville to celebrate Independence Day by waving, and giving out, American flags.

Endless motorists passing by the site gave their support by waving, honking horns and saluting the group.

Since local parades and other patriotic holiday events were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, military veterans took it upon themselves to turn out in a show of patriotism to wave their American flags to all that passed by.